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Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Dr. Karl Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg
Astronomisches Institut
Sternwartstraße 7
96049 Bamberg
This institution in GERiT
96049 Bamberg
Research Grants
Current projects
Study of X-ray emission from nearby normal galaxies using eROSITA All-Sky Survey data
Sasaki, Manami
TANAMI 2 – VLBI and Multiwavelength Observations of Southern-Hemisphere AGN Jets
Kadler, Matthias
Wilms, Jörn
Completed projects
3He-, Metallanomalien und Rotation von sdB-Sternen
Heber, Ulrich
Accretion phenomena in binary X-ray pulsars / neutron star free precession
Staubert, Rüdiger
A search for hyper-velocity stars
Heber, Ulrich
Atmospheric heat flow in a brown dwarf companion to an sdB star?
Heber, Ulrich
Blue Supergiants as Probes of Stellar and Galactic Evolution in the Local Group
Przybilla, Norbert
CAHA Observing Run for NIR Photometry of Young Stellar Objects in SNR Shock Wave Interaction
Sasaki, Manami
CAHA Observing Run for NIR Photometry of Young Stellar Objects in SNR Shock Wave Interaction - January 2017
Sasaki, Manami
Enge Doppelsternentwicklung und Vorläufer von Typ Ia Supernovae: Auswertung des ESO-Supernova Ia Progenitor Surveys (SPY)
Heber, Ulrich
eROSITA’s Window into the X-ray-Transient Sky: AGN Accretion in the Era of Big Data
Krumpe, Mirko
Wilms, Jörn
First population studies of two types of evolved stars in binary systems
Geier, Stephan
Heber, Ulrich
Fundamentale Zustandsgrößen von engen OB-Doppelsternsystemen in der LMC
Drechsel, Horst
How do close substellar companions affect stellar evolution?
Heber, Ulrich
Hyper-MUCHFUSS - Photometric follow up
Heber, Ulrich
Hyper-MUCHFUSS - Photometric follow up
Heber, Ulrich
Hyper-Muchfuss survey - follow up
Heber, Ulrich
Hypermuchfuss survey (follow up)
Heber, Ulrich
Hypervelocity hot subdwarfs as ejected donor remnants of type Ia supernovae
Heber, Ulrich
Hyper-velocity stars
Heber, Ulrich
Junge massereiche Sterne im galaktischen Halo?
Heber, Ulrich
Massive compact companions to hot subdwarf stars in the Galactic disk
Heber, Ulrich
Massive unseen compact companions to hot subluminous stars
Heber, Ulrich
Mehrkanalphotometrie des pulsierenden sdB Sterns PG1605+072 und Spektroskopie von blauen DIVA Standardsternen
Heber, Ulrich
Messung von Geschwindigkeits- und Linienprofilvariationen beim pulsierenden sdB Stern PG 1219+534
Heber, Ulrich
MUCHFUSS-Finding the most and least massive companions to hot subdwarf stars
Heber, Ulrich
MUCHFUSS - Photometric follow up
Heber, Ulrich
MUCHFUSS - Photometric follow up
Heber, Ulrich
Multichannel photometry of the pulsating sdB star PG1605 072 and time resolved spectroscopy of the pulsating sdB star PG1605 072.
Heber, Ulrich
Multi-channel photometry of the pulsating SDB-star PG1605 plus 072 and spectroscopy of blue standard stars for the DIVA-mission
Heber, Ulrich
Multi-wavelength Studies of Galactic Matter Cycle and Chemical Evolution
Sasaki, Manami
NIR Photometry of Young Stellar Objects in SNR Shock Wave Interaction – January 2018
Sasaki, Manami
Origin of massive high-velocity stars in the halo
Heber, Ulrich
Irrgang, Andreas
Origins of low-mass helium stars
Heber, Ulrich
Physikalischer Ursprung von blauen horizontalen Sternlinien in M13 und M3 und Helium-, Metalanomalien und Rotation von sdB-Sternen
Heber, Ulrich
Quantitative Spektralanalyse unterleuchtkräftiger B-Sterne
Heber, Ulrich
SdB-Doppelsterne - ein Test der Sternentwicklungstheorie
Heber, Ulrich
Spectroscopy of Massive Stars in the Double Cluster h/chi Persei
Heber, Ulrich
Spektralanalyse heißer kompakter Sterne im fernen UV und weichen Röntgenbereich mit FUSE- und CHANDRA-Beobachtungen
Werner, Klaus
Strömgren und I Band Photometrie von Weißen Zwergen aus dem SPY Projekt
Heber, Ulrich
Strömgren und I Band Photometrie von Weißen Zwergen aus dem SPY Projekt
Heber, Ulrich
TANAMI - Tracking Active Galactic Nuclei with Austral Milliarcsecond Interferometry
Wilms, Jörn
The evolution of substellar companions of intermediate mass stars
Guenther, Eike W.
Heber, Ulrich
The fast blue halo population - hypervelocity stars or hot subdwarfs binaries with massive compact companions?
Heber, Ulrich
The fast blue halo population - hypervelocity stars or hot subdwarfs binnaries with massive compact companions?
Heber, Ulrich
The physics of accretion in X-ray binary pulsars - relativistic effects, pulse profiles, and emission properties
Wilms, Jörn
Zeitliche und spektrale Untersuchung galaktischer Schwarzlochkandidaten
Staubert, Rüdiger
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Astronomie und Astrophysik
Wilms, Jörn
Multi-wavelength Studies of Galactic Matter Cycle and Chemical Evolution
Sasaki, Manami
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Nearby Galaxies in X-rays: Studying their Components and Global Evolution
Sasaki, Manami
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Multi-wavelength Studies of Galactic Matter Cycle and Chemical Evolution
Sasaki, Manami
Heisenberg Grants
Completed projects
Multi-wavelength Studies of Galactic Matter Cycle and Chemical Evolution
Sasaki, Manami
Research Units
Current projects
Accreting Black Holes and Neutron Stars in the Milky Way
Santangelo, Andrea
Wilms, Jörn
Bubbles and Diffuse X-ray Emission
Freyberg, Michael
Sasaki, Manami
Coordination Funds
Sasaki, Manami
FOR 2990: The eROSITA View of Stellar Endpoints (eRO-STEP)
Sasaki, Manami
FOR 5195: Relativistic Jets in Active Galaxies
Kadler, Matthias
Infrastructure Workpackage: eROSITA Observations of Transient and Persistent Compact Objects and Stars
Wilms, Jörn
Jet Lamp-Post Models for Radio-Loud AGN
Wilms, Jörn
Population Studies in Nearby Galaxies
Saeedi, Sara
Wilms, Jörn
Supernova Remnants in the eROSITA All-Sky Survey
Becker, Werner
Pühlhofer, Gerd
Sasaki, Manami
WBP Position
Current projects
Characterizing the acceleration and propagation of cosmic rays in Galactic pulsar wind nebulae and pulsar halos
Mayer, Martin Georg Friedrich
Cataloguing and Digitisation
Current projects
Astronomy Preserved – INTEGRAL/SPI 22-yr Soft Gamma-Ray Source Catalogue
Siegert, Thomas
Completed projects
Digitization / Cataloguing of non-textual objects: Digitized Astronomical Photoplates Archive and their Virtual Observatory Integration
Enke, Harry
Heber, Ulrich
Schmitt, Jürgen H.M.M.
Additional Information
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