Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Institut für Sprache und Information
Abteilung für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft
Universitätsstraße 1
40225 Düsseldorf
This institution in GERiT
40225 Düsseldorf
Research Grants
Current projects
Asymmetries in Presupposition Projection and the Nature of Meaning
Romoli, Jacopo
Individuation of eventualities and abstract things
Filip, Hana
Interactions between Dynamic Effects and Alternative-Based Inferences in the Study of Meaning
Ebert, Cornelia
Steinbach, Markus
Steiner-Mayr, Clemens
Light verb constructions - families and composition
Helfer-Fleischhauer, Jens
Word units in the Oceanic predicate complex
von Prince, Kilu
Completed projects
A corpus-based contrastive study tense, aspect, modality and polarity (TAMP) in Austronesian languages of Melanesia (MelaTAMP)
Krifka, Manfred
von Prince, Kilu
Semantic analysis of the grading of German verbs with the adverb "sehr": Which classes of verbs can be modified with "sehr" and what is the respective semantic effect?
Löbner, Sebastian
Research Units
Completed projects
Automatic classification of concept types
Kilbury, James
Dimensional verbs
Löbner, Sebastian
Final S in English: The role of acoustic detail in morphological processing and learning
Baer-Henney, Dinah
Plag, Ingo
FOR 600: Functional Concepts and Frames
Löbner, Sebastian
FOR 2373: Spoken Morphology: Phonetics and phonology of complex words
Plag, Ingo
Formal modeling of frames and functional concepts
Löbner, Sebastian
Frame Semantics for Verbs
van Valin, Robert D.
Functional Concepts and Frames
Löbner, Sebastian
Maltese plurals: phonotactics, variation and the structure of the mental lexicon.
van de Vijver, Ruben
The online processing of homophonous words
Indefrey, Peter
Types of nouns and determination across languages
Löbner, Sebastian
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Indefrey, Peter
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
The acquisition of voicing an vowel alternations in German
van de Vijver, Ruben
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Accessing conceptual information in language production and comprehension
(Project Head
Indefrey, Peter
A frame-based analysis of adjective-noun combinations
(Project Heads
Löbner, Sebastian
Petersen, Wiebke
A frame-based analysis of countability
(Project Head
Filip, Hana
Conceptual shifts: Psycholinguistic evidence
(Project Head
Indefrey, Peter
Conceptual shifts: statistical evidence
(Project Heads
Löbner, Sebastian
Petersen, Wiebke
Conceptual shifts: typological evidence
(Project Heads
Löbner, Sebastian
Stassen, Leonardus M.H.
Dimensional verbs
(Project Heads
Geisler, Hans
Löbner, Sebastian
Dynamische Erweiterung des Lexikons
(Project Head
Kilbury, James
Frames and nominal word formation
(Project Head
Löbner, Sebastian
Frames in morphophonology: Paradigms as frames
(Project Head
van de Vijver, Ruben
Modellierung von Subregularität im Lexikon
(Project Head
Kilbury, James
Modifiers as a probe into the frame structure of events
(Project Heads
Löbner, Sebastian
Petersen, Wiebke
Prosody and information structure as forms of "input" in second language acquisition
(Project Heads
Carroll, Susanne E.
van de Vijver, Ruben
SFB 991: The Structure of Representations in Language, Cognition and Science
Kallmeyer, Laura
Löbner, Sebastian
The role of information structure in sentence formation and construal: A frame-based approach
(Project Heads
Latrouite, Anja
van Valin, Robert D.
(Project Head
Löbner, Sebastian
Verb frames at the syntax-semantics interface
(Project Head
van Valin, Robert D.