Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf
Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Krankenhaushygiene
Universitätsstraße 1
40225 Düsseldorf
This institution in GERiT
40225 Düsseldorf
Research Grants
Current projects
Impact of communication of plasmacytoid dendritic cells and dendritic cell progenitors in the bone marrow during sepsis-induced immune dysregulation
Flohé, Stefanie
Scheu, Stefanie
Completed projects
Antigenvariabilität des Adhäsins P50 von Mycoplasma hominis: Molekulare Ursachen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Virulenz des Keims
Hadding, Ulrich
Characterization of BATF functions in plasmacytoid dendritic cell development and type I interferon production in antiviral immune responses
Scheu, Stefanie
Die neu identifizierte Serinprotease PrtA von Streptococcus pneumoniae: Ein Zellwand-assoziierter Virulenzfaktor?
Zysk, Gregor
Funktionen des TNF-Rezeptors p55 und des Lymphotoxin Beta Rezeptors in vivo
Pfeffer, Klaus
Generation and characterization of a TRAP1 knockout mouse
Würthner, Jens
High-throughput genotyping of complex loci in humans and microbes
Dilthey, Alexander
Molecular functions of the murine guanylate binding protein (mGBP) 2 in the immune defense against Toxoplasma gondii
Pfeffer, Klaus
Oberflächenlokalisierte Hitzeschockproteine in Mycoplasma hominis: Interaktion des Membranproteins P60 mit dem HSP70-homologen P80
Henrich, Birgit
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Charakterisierung von antimikrobiellen Effektormechanismen in humanen Endothelzellen nach Stimulation mit Interferon
Däubener, Walter
The role of the Lymphotoxin beta receptor in innate immunity
Pfeffer, Klaus
Emmy Noether International Fellowships
Completed projects
Aufklärung der molekularen Grundlagen und biologischen Funktion von nicht-klassischen MHC Klasse Ib restringierten Effektor T Zellen
Scheu, Stefanie
Research Units
Completed projects
Antimicrobial effects mediated by the regulation of the local tryptophan concentration: diverse effects mediated by different tryptophan degrading enzymes in mice and men
Däubener, Walter
Central tasks of the Research Unit 729
Pfeffer, Klaus
FOR 729: Anti-infective Effector Programmes: Signals and Mediators
Pfeffer, Klaus
The biological role of interferon y induced 65 kDa GBPs as effector molecules in host defense
Pfeffer, Klaus
Visualization of IL-22 expressing cells during anti-infectious immune responses
Scheu, Stefanie
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Die zelluläre Initiation der Typ I Interferon Antwort in vivo
Scheu, Stefanie
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Activation and differentiation of macrophages mediated by proinflammatory cytokines
(Project Head
Pfeffer, Klaus
Analyse der Funktionen von Interferon y-induzierten Genen bei der angeborenen Infektionsabwehr
(Project Head
Pfeffer, Klaus
Aufklärung der Funktionen der Janus Kinase-2 (JAK2)
(Project Head
Pfeffer, Klaus
Dynamics and trafficking of mGBP protein complexes within membranous compartments
(Project Heads
Degrandi, Daniel
Pfeffer, Klaus
Effektormechanismen bei infektiösen Encephalitiden
(Project Heads
Däubener, Walter
Hadding, Ulrich
Generierung und Analyse eines Kinectin-defizienten Mausstammes
(Project Head
Pfeffer, Klaus
Generierung und Analyse von sodd-und tab2-defizienten Mausstämmen
(Project Heads
Endres, Robert
Pfeffer, Klaus
Herpesvirusinfektionen bei der Organtransplantation: Rolle des Cytomegalovirus bei der Pathogenese des chronischen Transplantatversagens
(Project Heads
Heidecke, Claus-Dieter
Koszinowski, Ulrich H.
Pfeffer, Klaus
Molecular Analysis of Lymphotoxin-ß-Receptor and Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor p55 Mediated Hepatic Regeneration Processes
(Project Head
Pfeffer, Klaus
Regulation immunologischer Funktionen in Mikrogliazellen und Astrozyten
(Project Head
Fischer, Hans-Georg
The role of TNF recptor p55 (TNFRp55) for liver failure during acute sepsis and bacterial infections
(Project Heads
Beer-Hammer, Sandra
Pfeffer, Klaus
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2158: Natural products and natural product analogs against therapy-resistant tumors and microorganisms: new lead structures and modes of action
Gohlke, Holger
Completed projects
GRK 320: Pathological Processes of the Nervous System: From Gene to Behavior
Reifenberger, Ph.D., Guido
GRK 1045: Modulation of Host Cell Functions to Treat Viral and Bacterial Infections
Dittmer, Ulf
GRK 1949: Immune Response in Infectious Diseases - Regulation between Innate and Adaptive Immunity
Westendorf, Astrid M.