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Universität Duisburg-Essen
Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften
Fachgebiet Elektronische Bauelemente und Schaltungen (EBS)
Bismarckstraße 81
47057 Duisburg
This institution in GERiT
47057 Duisburg
Priority Programmes
Current projects
FREDERIC - FouRiEr Domain ElectRIcal-to-optical Converter
Negra, Renato
Schall-Giesecke, Anna Lena
GaN-HEMT Driver utilizing Alternative Control and Feed-Forward Techniques (GaNdalf)
Grabmaier, Anton
Pfost, Martin
Completed projects
Interface-Schaltungs- und Systemtechnik für verlustarme Informationsverarbeitung
Hosticka, Ph.D., Bedrich
Invariante Textursegmentierung mit Mehrkanalfilterung
Hosticka, Ph.D., Bedrich
Lage-, rotations- und skaleninvariante Texturerkennung mit reduziertem Bedieneraufwand
Hosticka, Ph.D., Bedrich
Research Grants
Current projects
Acute and permanent monitoring of infectious patients using a contactless, multispectral, optical measuring system
Notni, Gunther
Schöbel, Christoph
Seidl, Karsten
Sutharsan, Sivagurunathan
Machine learning-based methods on SPAD-based LiDAR Data Processing
Grabmaier, Anton
Completed projects
Anwendung nachrichtentechnischer Methoden für die Sensorsignalauswertung am Beispiel der Erfassung von Bewegungen inhomogener Medien
Grabmaier, Anton
Hosticka, Ph.D., Bedrich
Depth Selective Photoplethysmography-based Method for Pulse Transit Time Measurement at a Single Measuring Position (DeePPG)
Grabmaier, Anton
Design and implementation of monolithic integrated electronic devices for the control and recording of bidirectional multi-electrode arrays.
Grabmaier, Anton
Development of an implantable epiretinal vision prosthesis with integrated image acquisition (OPTOEPIRET)
Grabmaier, Anton
Mokwa, Wilfried
Walter, Peter
Electrowetting with Atomic Layer Deposition (EWALD)
Vogt, Holger
Entwurf und Implementierung von Algorithmen zur quasi-zeitkontinuierlichen digitalen Signalverarbeitung
Brückmann, Dieter
Kokozinski, Rainer
Hetero-Integration of Perovskite Lasers into Silicon Photonics (HIPER-LASE)
Haring Bolívar, Peter
Lemme, Max Christian
Mohammadi, Ph.D., Maryam
Riedl, Thomas
Studies on the properties of integrated CMOS image sensor arrays on single crystalline thinned and flexible silicon chips
Grabmaier, Anton
Mokwa, Wilfried
Current projects
High-speed beamforming concepts for THz frequencies
(Project Heads
Czylwik, Andreas
Häring, Lars
Schall-Giesecke, Anna Lena
Schmitt, Lisa
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2610: Innovative Retinal interfaces for optimized Artificial Vision - InnoRetVision
Walter, Peter
Additional Information
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