Technische Universität Chemnitz
Fakultät für Maschinenbau
Institut für Werkstoffwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik
09107 Chemnitz
This institution in GERiT
09107 Chemnitz
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Erforschung neuer Materialien und Techniken zur magnetischen Datenspeicherung / Magnetische Grundlagenforschung
Hellwig, Olav
Research Grants
Current projects
Mixed ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic hybrid phase in stripe and bubble domain structures for magnonic crystal and race track applications
Hellwig, Olav
Modified nanopastes for pressureless nanojoining in the field of structural applications
Hausner, Susann
Oxidation phenomena of medium-Mn steels
Krupp, Ulrich
Undisz, Andreas
Completed projects
Additive manufacturing and processing by forming of Al-Ti metallic composites
Awiszus, Birgit
Drehmann, Rico
Effect of near-surface layers on crack initiation in NiTi due to single-cycle pseudoelastic deformation - Significance of oxide layer and intermetallic Ni3Ti
Undisz, Andreas
Macromechanical model for predicting the susceptibility to acid corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement of austenitic thin sheet metals and foils manufactured by complex forming technologies
Awiszus, Birgit
Mehner, Thomas
Mechanisms of the plasma electrolytic oxidation of light-metal-based material compounds
Lampke, Thomas
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5380: Functional surfaces through adiabatic high-speed processes: Microstructure, mechanisms and model development - FUNDAM³ENT
Lampke, Thomas
TP1: Wear, corrosion and fatigue behaviour of functional surfaces produced by high-speed blanking
Drehmann, Rico
Lampke, Thomas
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Hybrid three-dimensional solitons for applications
Kiselev, Ph.D., Nikolai S.
Current projects
Magneto-detection by CISS-based hybrid interfaces
(Project Heads
Hellwig, Olav
Kelling, Jeffrey
Tegenkamp, Christoph