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Technische Universität Dresden
Fakultät Maschinenwesen
Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik
01062 Dresden
This institution in GERiT
01062 Dresden
Research Units
Completed projects
Entwicklung beanspruchungsgerechter Leichtbaurotoren mit variabelaxialer Textilverstärkung (Rotorentwicklung)
Hufenbach, Werner
Entwicklung textilgerechter Technologien zur Konsolidierung differentialer CF-PEEK-Textilpreformen im Hochleistungs-Autoklav mit Hilfe neuartiger kinematischer Spannmechanismen
Hufenbach, Werner
FOR 278: Textile Verstärkungen für Hochleistungsrotoren in komplexen Anwendungen
Hufenbach, Werner
Versagensanalyse variabelaxial verstärkter Leichtbauverbunde durch Anwendung angepaßter Festigkeitshypothesen (Versagensanalyse)
Hufenbach, Werner
Zentrale Organisation und Verwaltung
Hufenbach, Werner
Research Grants
Current projects
Cyclic-dynamic properties of particle foams
Gude, Maik
Ruckdäschel, Holger
Description of the fatigue behaviour of fabric-reinforced fibre-plastic composites under combined interlaminar shear and out-of-plane compressive stress
Biermann, Horst
Gude, Maik
Experimental analysis and numerical modeling of the influence of adhesive threads on the material and damage behavior of FRP laminates under quasi-static and cyclic mechanical loading
Gude, Maik
Investigation of the damage and modal behavior of fast rotating geometrically complex structures using in-situ measurement systems
Czarske, Jürgen W.
Gude, Maik
Koch, Edmund
Multi-functional high-performance profile systems in intrinsically manufactured fiber composite metal hybrid design (ProMi)
Fleischer, Jürgen
Gude, Maik
Numerical and experimental analysis of permeation and cracking behavior of fiber reinforced plastic composites with thermoplastic matrix system
Gude, Maik
Kästner, Markus
Simulation-supported research of novel textile-based adaptive fiber plastic composite structures with shape memory alloy elements for complex deformation patterns
Cherif, Chokri
Gude, Maik
Tailored metal-polymer-metal layered composites for improved energy absorption characteristics of crash structures
Buhl, Johannes
Gude, Maik
Completed projects
Analysis of the fundamentals of the cell structure formation while direct freeze foaming of biocom-patible ceramic foams
Gude, Maik
Moritz, Tassilo
Auslegung von textilverstärkten Kunststoffverbunden mit multistabilen Deformationszuständen
Hufenbach, Werner
Bruchtypbezogene Schwingfestigkeitsanalyse von 3D-textilverstärkten Kunststoffverbunden unter Zug/Druck-Torsions-Belastung und überlagerter Temperatureinwirkung
Hufenbach, Werner
Chemische Kopplung polymerer Werkstoffe mit funktionalisiertem PTFE-Mikropulver bzw. mit modifiziertem Polyethylen zur Verbesserung der tribologischen Eigenschaften
Hufenbach, Werner
Continuous analysis and evaluation of production-related fibre misalignments in thick-walled fibre-reinforced plastic composite structures
Gude, Maik
D1: Characterization and modelling of the thermomechanical material behavior of 3D textilereinforced aluminium matrix composites (3D DF/Al-MMC)
Hufenbach, Werner
Damage analysis of fabric-reinforced polymer composites under superimposed in-plane/out-of-plane stress conditions
Gude, Maik
Designed metal-polymer-metal sandwich structures for improved energy absorption characteristics of crash structures
Gude, Maik
Palkowski, Heinz
Development of construction methods and synthesis of manufacturing technologies for the production of cellular plastic hybrid structures for applications in sound absorbers
Modler, Niels
Development of failure mode related degradation models for carbon fibre reinforced textile com-posites with non-crimped threads
Gude, Maik
Development of miniaturised fibre-reinforced composite structures for ultrasonic-based decontamination of non-shedding surfaces within the human organism
Dannemann, Martin
Kühne, Marie-Theres
Entwicklung neuartiger faserverbundgerechter Reparaturverfahren und Untersuchung ihrer Einflüsse auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften von Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunden (FKV)
Bach, Friedrich-Wilhelm
Hufenbach, Werner
Evaluation and modelling of the fatigue damage behaviour of polymer composites at reversed cyclic loading
Fiedler, Bodo
Gude, Maik
Hopmann, Christian
Rolfes, Raimund
Experimental analysis and numerical modelling of microcrack induced delaminations under cyclic loading with load reversals
Gude, Maik
Rolfes, Raimund
Experimental and virtual analysis of draping effect and of their impact on the structural mechanical behaviour of composite components
Gude, Maik
Kärger, Luise
Modelling and simulation of the manufacture-dependent shrinkage behaviour of glass-fibrereinforced 36epoxy resins for the improved prediction of surface-waviness and warpage
Gude, Maik
Hopmann, Christian
Modified highly ductile and electroconductive carbon fibres
Böhm, Robert
Cherif, Chokri
Feng, Xinliang
Jäger, Hubert
Multifunctional materials based on cellulose and graphene
Qi, Ph.D., Haisong
Optische Untersuchung dynamischer Deformationen schnell drehender Rotoren
Czarske, Jürgen W.
Hufenbach, Werner
Polymer electrolyte membranes (PEM) for vanadium redox flow batteries
Beuermann, Sabine
Gohs, Uwe
Kunz, Ulrich
Simulation-assisted development of material-, load- and process-specific inserts for thermoplastic composites
Gude, Maik
Versagens- und Degradationsverhalten von defektbehafteten Textilverbunden unter hochdynamischen Belastungszuständen
Hufenbach, Werner
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Basic investigations of the deformation and failure behaviour of textile-reinforced composites and hybrid structures under high-dynamical loading
Hufenbach, Werner
Branched natural fibrous composites for improved technical components
Hufenbach, Werner
Milwich, Markus
Neinhuis, Christoph
Speck, Thomas
Bruchmodellbezogene Berechnungsmodelle zur Lebensdauervorhersage für endlosfaserverstärkte Nanopartikel-modifizierte Polymere im VHCF-Bereich
Fiedler, Bodo
Gude, Maik
Complex-Shaped Lightweight Structures with Adaptive Dynamic Behaviour through Evanescent Morphing
Kostka, Pawel
Development of the theoretical and technological fundamentals for intrinsic thermoplastic composite/metal hollow profiles with load-adapted cross-scale form fit
Gude, Maik
Kästner, Markus
Müller, Roland
Koordination des Schwerpunktprogramms
Hufenbach, Werner
Simulation-aided development and qualification of a novel Thermoclinch joining technology for multi-material design with textile-reinforced thermoplastic composites
Gude, Maik
SPP 1123: Textile Composite Design and Manufacturing Technologies of Lightweight Structures for Mechanical Engineering and Vehicle Engineering
Hufenbach, Werner
SPP 1640: Joining by Plastic Deformation
Groche, Peter
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Aufbereitung der richtungsabhängigen SFB-Werkstoffdaten und Werkstoffmodelle für die Bauteildimensionierung bei fertigungsgerechter Einstellung der Grenzflächeneigenschaften
(Project Heads
Hufenbach, Werner
Mäder, Edith
Calculation of stress concentrations in multi-layered knitted fabrics and textile-reinforced sandwich systems with insert elements
(Project Head
Lepper, Martin
Central Tasks
(Project Head
Hufenbach, Werner
Database-driven modeling and simulation of process chains with the aim of achieving the targeted adjustment of pre-defined characteristics and ensuring reproducible production of thermoplastic textile composite components
(Project Heads
Großmann, Knut
Grüber, Bernd
Hufenbach, Werner
Development of active textile-reinforced compliant structures with adjustable anisotropic characteristics
(Project Heads
Gude, Maik
Modler, Karl-Heinz
Modler, Niels
Development of textile composite-adapted design and integration of functional interfaces
(Project Heads
Adam, Frank
Kostka, Pawel
Entwurf und Fertigung crashkompatibler Rahmentragwerke mit belastungsgerechten Knotenelementen
(Project Heads
Langkamp, Albert
Modler, Karl-Heinz
Mechanical characterization of textile-reinforced composites under short- and long-term thermomechanical loading
(Project Head
Gude, Maik
Methodical development of and experimental investigation of into form-locking and combined joining tech-niques for textile-reinforced lightweight structures
(Project Head
Hufenbach, Werner
(Project Heads
Hufenbach, Werner
Mäder, Edith
(Project Heads
Lepper, Martin
Täger, Olaf
(Project Heads
Langkamp, Albert
Modler, Karl-Heinz
SFB 639: Textile-reinforced Composite Components for Function-integrating Multi-material Design in Complex Lightweight Applications
Hufenbach, Werner
Textile-specific processing and machining technologies for plane and single-curved demonstrator components
(Project Heads
Adam, Frank
Beyer, Eckhard
Großmann, Knut
Theoretical and experimental investigations into the structural-mechanical behaviour of textile-reinforced ther-moplastic composite components under crash and impact loading
(Project Heads
Gude, Maik
Langkamp, Albert
Modler, Karl-Heinz
Theoretische und experimentelle Kerbspannungsanalyse textilbewehrter Holzkonstruktionen mit metallischen Verbindungselementen
(Project Head
Hufenbach, Werner
Vibrationsgerechte textile Tragstrukturen mit hoher Verbunddämpfung und Erprobung von Prototypen
(Project Heads
Lepper, Martin
Täger, Olaf
Current projects
Calculation and evaluation of process-induced structural material phenomena in FRP-metal compounds
(Project Head
Gude, Maik
Electromagnetic alignment of reinforcement elements
(Project Heads
Lampke, Thomas
Winkler, Anja
Generative design for actively controlled mould systems with high system complexity and functional density
(Project Heads
Ihlenfeldt, Steffen
Krahl, Michael
Local and integral in situ analysis of process and operational damage effects of joints
(Project Heads
Brosius, Alexander
Kupfer, Robert
Methodical derivation of process-structure-property-relations based on hy-brid data spaces
(Project Heads
Gude, Maik
Tzortzinis, Georgios
Press processing of functionalized flat and tape substructures with a flanged section
(Project Heads
Lasagni, Andrés Fabián
Modler, Niels
Completed projects
Design and manufacturing of fiber-reinforced structures with integrated actuator-sensor-arrays for technical measurement applications
(Project Heads
Dannemann, Martin
Modler, Niels
Development of thermoplastic-compatible piezoceramic modules (TPM) and corresponding production processes
(Project Head
Gude, Maik
High-volume production technologies for glass fibre-reinforced polyurethane composite structures with integrated piezoceramic sensor elements and adapted electronics
(Project Heads
Fischer, Wolf-Joachim
Gude, Maik
Robust manufacturing technologies for active thermoplastic composite structures with integrated piezoceramic modules
(Project Head
Modler, Niels
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2430: Interactive Fiber Rubber Composites
Cherif, Chokri
GRK 2868: D³ - Data-driven design of resilient metamaterials
Kästner, Markus
Additional Information
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