Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Textilmaschinen und
Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik
01062 Dresden
This institution in GERiT
01062 Dresden
Research Units
Completed projects
Einsatz konfektionstechnischer Verfahren und Maschinen zur Herstellung von Montage differentialer textiler Preforms für Hochleistungsrotoren aus Composites
Rödel, Hartmut
Zentrale Organisation und Verwaltung
Hufenbach, Werner
Research Grants
Current projects
Analyzing and modeling of short-time dynamic yarn handling processes through the example of high-performance warp knitting
Beitelschmidt, Michael
Cherif, Chokri
Bioinspired Hybrid Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering
Cherif, Chokri
Development and validation of a coupled meso-macro drape model for woven fabrics considering complex mechanisms at the roving level
Gereke, Thomas
Development of an innovative sewn-through joining technology of Spacer Stitching for 3D textile assemblies
Saeed, Hassan
Development of numerical and experimental methods and processes for the gentle manufacturing of hybrid yarns from recycled carbon fibres with a large fibre length distribution for thermoplastic composites
Cherif, Chokri
Gereke, Thomas
Fibre-based 3D implants from regenerated silk fibroin for intervertebral disc regeneration II
Wöltje, Michael
Methodology for the determination of short-term dynamic properties of textile high-performance materials
Cherif, Chokri
Modelling of the structure and the properties of 3D warp knitted spacer fabrics and experimental evaluation
Orlik, Julia
Pietsch, Kathrin
Multifunctional sensor yarns for real-time in situ detection of multiple damage mechanism for continuous structural integrity monitoring of components made of textile-reinforced composite materials
Cherif, Chokri
Research and modeling of the bond behavior of profiled carbon yarns and development of methods for the defined control of the bond between yarn and concrete
Cherif, Chokri
Curbach, Manfred
Research and modelling of the multi-coil frequency division multiplexed eddy current methodology for the precise depth determination of characteristics in carbon fiber based structures
Cherif, Chokri
Heuer, Henning
Simulation-supported research of novel textile-based adaptive fiber plastic composite structures with shape memory alloy elements for complex deformation patterns
Cherif, Chokri
Gude, Maik
Simultaneous needle drive - technology and knitting sequence development for form-fitting products on flat knitting machines
Cherif, Chokri
Three-dimensional yarn path and bearing dynamics of the high-speed ring spinning process with a superconducting magnetic bearing twisting system including transient operation modes
Beitelschmidt, Michael
Cherif, Chokri
Hühne, Ruben
Completed projects
Analyses on the deformation mechanisms of fabrics based on rCF staple fibre yarns for thermoset composite applications
Cherif, Chokri
Gereke, Thomas
Berücksichtigung der Materialeigenschaften textiler Mehrschichtstrukturen und Nähte in der Simulation und virtuellen Passformkontrolle von Bekleidungstextilien
Rödel, Hartmut
Biodegradable and elastic flock scaffolds from a single material system based on chitosan for articular cartilage regeneration
Gelinsky, Michael
Hoffmann, Gerald
Hund, Rolf-Dieter
Brandbeständigkeit von textilen Betonbewehrungen und textilbewehrten Betonelementen
Cherif, Chokri
Curbach, Manfred
Cellular, pressure actuated shape-flexible structures
Cherif, Chokri
Sinapius, Michael
Chitosan Fiberbased Threedimensional Hybrid Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering
Cherif, Chokri
Hanke, Thomas
Developing of a repair method for carbon fibre reinforced plastics by using thermally activated oxide semiconductors
Cherif, Chokri
Hund, Rolf-Dieter
Development of an bioactive preadipocyte loaded fibroin biohybrid for the augmentation of soft tissue defects.
Hanken, Henning
Development of fundamental process technology for the production of Multiaxial Warp Knitted (Stitch-Bonded) Fabric with three dimensional Geometry
Cherif, Chokri
Erspinnen von Hybrigarnen aus Kohlenstoff-Kurzfasern für Verbundwerkstoffe
Cherif, Chokri
Experimentelle Analyse und numerische Modellierung der Deformation dehnfähiger Textilien und deren Wechselwirkung auf Tragkörper
Bletzinger, Kai-Uwe
Krzywinski, Sybille
Planck, Heinrich
Flocktechnologie zur Erzeugung strukturierter Scaffolds
Cherif, Chokri
Flocktechnologie zur Erzeugung strukturierter Scaffolds
Cherif, Chokri
Offermann, Peter
Friction free yarn twisting on the basis of superconducting technology and in consideration of the dynamic yarn path in textile machines
Cherif, Chokri
Hühne, Ruben
Fundamental investigations on the construction of compressive clothing and its effect on blood circulation
Rödel, Hartmut
Gewebemodelle und Simulation von Permeabilitäts- und Barriereeigenschaften in Abhängigkeit der Herstellungsparameter
Cherif, Chokri
Ripperger, Siegfried
Wiegmann, Andreas
Grundlagenuntersuchungen zu integrierten textilbasierten Sensornetzwerken zur zerstörungsfreien Strukturüberwachung endlosfaserverstärkter Verbundwerkstoffe
Cherif, Chokri
Grundlegende Untersuchungen zur Konstruktion kompressiver Bekleidung und deren Wirkung auf die Durchblutung
Deußen, Andreas
Identifikation der für die Simulation textiler Umformvorgänge benötigten Gewebesteifigkeiten
Rödel, Hartmut
Individual warning using electric signals
Haueisen, Jens
Krzywinski, Sybille
Schmauder, Martin
Innovative 3D-Vliesstoffherstellungverfahren "Net Shape Nonwoven" NSN
Laourine, Ezzeddine
Mikrostrukturbeschreibung von Geweben und deren Konstruktion in Abhängigkeit von Barriereanforderungen
Cherif, Chokri
Offermann, Peter
Modellierung und Simulation von neuartigen textilbasierten adaptiven Faserkunststoffverbundstrukturen mit Formgedächtnislegierungen
Cherif, Chokri
Ulbricht, Volker
Modelling and simulation of the hydrodynamic properties of protection and filter fabrics under consideration of service loads to predict their barrier and permeability properties
Cherif, Chokri
Rief, Stefan
Modified highly ductile and electroconductive carbon fibres
Böhm, Robert
Cherif, Chokri
Feng, Xinliang
Jäger, Hubert
Monitoring of osteoclast formation and activity on different scaffolds for bone replacement by means of microscopy
Hanke, Thomas
Short-term dynamic stress-strain behavior of textile high-performance materials
Cherif, Chokri
Simulation and experimental evaluation of thermo-active textiles for energy efficient space heating and cooling
Felsmann, Clemens
Krzywinski, Sybille
Simulation-based finishing of barrier fabrics by means of partial particle application
Cherif, Chokri
Ripperger, Siegfried
Simulation von Materialeigenschaften textiler Mehrschichtstrukuren und Nähte bei der virtuellen Passformkontrolle von Bekleidungstextilien
Rödel, Hartmut
Straßer, Wolfgang
Steel/highperformance/thermoplastic fibre-hybrid composites dispersed at the filament level with tailored mechanical properties and high structural integrity
Cherif, Chokri
Schmeer, Sebastian
Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen zur Strukturfixierung textiler Halbzeuge mit Hybridgarnen für komplexe, beanspruchungsgerechte Preforms
Cherif, Chokri
Krzywinski, Sybille
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Entwicklung einer Multiaxialnähwirkmaschine mit modifiziertem Schussfadenaufnahme- und Transport- sowie Beschichtungs- und Konfektionierung/Speichedrsystems
(Project Head
Cherif, Chokri
Entwicklung einer Multiaxialnähwirkmaschine mit modifiziertem Schussfadenaufnahme- und Transport- sowie Beschichtungs- und Konfektionierung/Speichersystems
(Project Head
Cherif, Chokri
Entwicklung von praxisgerechten Drapiersimulationsverfahren und Fertigung konturgerechter Halbzeuge
(Project Heads
Cherif, Chokri
Ulbricht, Volker
Failure mechanism of textile reinforced concrete under fire loading
(Project Heads
Cherif, Chokri
Curbach, Manfred
Flat-knitted and woven hybrid yarn textile spacer fabrics for sandwich structures
(Project Head
Hoffmann, Gerald
Modelling and Development of Load-Adapted Textile Reinforcements for Concrete
(Project Head
Cherif, Chokri
Modelling and Development of Load-Adapted Textile Reinforcements for Concrete
(Project Head
Cherif, Chokri
Multiaxially reinforced knitted fabrics with a high number of layers for thermoplastic hybrid composites
(Project Heads
Cherif, Chokri
Krzywinski, Sybille
(Project Heads
Cherif, Chokri
Ulbricht, Volker
Prerequisites for reproducible textile preform production
(Project Heads
Cherif, Chokri
Großmann, Knut
Sewing-based assembly of textile components, spacer structures, selvedge structures and inserts
(Project Heads
Heinrich, Gert
Rödel, Hartmut
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Development of strength optimized biaxial reinforced knitted preforms of complex shape
Cherif, Chokri
Ulbricht, Volker
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Biaxiale Zugprüfmaschine
Current projects
Biomimetic, highly branched 3D textile reinforcement structures based on self-supporting technology approach
(Project Heads
Cherif, Chokri
Mersch, Johannes
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2250: Mineral-bonded composites for enhanced structural impact safety
Mechtcherine, Viktor
GRK 2430: Interactive Fiber Rubber Composites
Cherif, Chokri
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2050: Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop (CeTI)
Fitzek, Frank Hanns Paul
Li, Ph.D., Shu-Chen
Strufe, Thorsten