Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Elektrische Energieversorgung
und Hochspannungstechnik (IEEH)
Mommsenstraße 10
01069 Dresden
This institution in GERiT
01069 Dresden
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Ermittlung vereinfachter nichtlinearer dynamischer Modelle für elektrische Verbundsysteme
Schegner, Peter
Investigations on the efficiency of different solution methods for dynamic network calculation problems with reference datasets within the DFG´s priority programme "System theoretical methods for operating the Transeuropean power systems"
Schegner, Peter
Loop Circle Arc Theory (LoCA) - New Method for comprehensive evaluation of Cross-Sectoral and Cellular Organized Energy Systems -
Schegner, Peter
New techniques for the assessment of harmonic stability in public low voltage networks with very high share of distributed power electronic devices
Meyer, Jan
Myrzik, Johanna M.A.
Nonlinear dynamic model aggregation for electrical power systems
Erlich, István
Regelung der Spannungsqualität durch gezielte Veränderung der Ventil-Zündzeitpunkte der modernen leistungselektronischen Betriebsmittel in transeuropäischen Energienetzen
Winkler, Gert
System perturbation caused by the forced utilization of FACTS and HDVC in the European power system
Schegner, Peter
Research Grants
Current projects
Fundamental Investigations on the Aging of Insulating Materials under Harmonic Distorted Voltages
Kornhuber, Stefan
Schegner, Peter
New Algorithms for the Evaluation of Flicker in the Context of Modern Electricity Grids
Meyer, Jan
New methods for multivariate analysis of power quality in large amounts of data
Domagk, Max
Completed projects
Analytische Berechnungs- und messtechnische Bewertungsverfahren von Generatorstromwandlern mit erweitertem Frequenzmessbereich
Schegner, Peter
Beurteilung der Erdschlusslichtbogenlöschung in resonanzsternpunktgeerdeten Verteilnetzen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Harmonischen
Schegner, Peter
Development of a generic physical model for breakdown and withstand voltages of air-gap insulated configurations in dependence of the atmospheric conditions
Kornhuber, Stefan
Schmidt, Uwe
Fundamental investigations on the partial-discharge behaviour in gas-solid insulating systems under DC voltage stress
Großmann, Steffen
Reliable detection of electrical islands. Base for a cellular grid operation mode.
Schegner, Peter
STABEEL2: Stability of decentralized generators in the electrical power supply network when providing ancillary services - extension
Röbenack, Klaus
Schegner, Peter
Systematic Analysis of Electrical and Climatic Environment and their Impact on Power Quality in Public LV Networks
Schegner, Peter
Untersuchung der signaltheoretischen Grundlagen zur Analyse von Fehler- und Störfallaufzeichnungen
Schegner, Peter
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 338: Local Innovative Energy Systems
Büchner, Peter