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Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH)
Forschungsanstalt WSL - Wald-Schnee-Landschaft
Zürcherstrasse 111
8903 Birmensdorf
8903 Birmensdorf
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
The functioning of mixed-species forests in space and time: reducing the uncertainty
Forrester, David
Research Units
Current projects
Carbon fluxes in forest floors
Hagedorn, Frank
FOR 5315: FOREST FLOOR: Functioning, Dynamics, and Vulnerability in a Changing World
Lang, Friederike
SP6 – Elucidating the links between environmental variation, plant phenology and plant-herbivore interactions
Zeuss, Dirk
Completed projects
Above- and belowground plant complementarity
Mommer, Liesje
Weigelt, Alexandra
Belowground Root Turnover and Root Traits
Mommer, Liesje
Weigelt, Alexandra
Water Relations of Beech and Interacting Vegetation in Beech-Dominated Forests
Gessler, Arthur
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Der Nadelblatt-Apoplast der Fichte als Lebens- und Reaktionsraum für autotrophe Nitrifizierer
Papen, Hans
Der Nadelblatt-Apoplast der Fichte als Lebens- und Reaktionsraum für autotrophe Nitrifizierer
Gessler, Arthur
Factors controlling phosphorous availability and their relevance for phosphorous nutrition of forest stands
Bauhus, Jürgen
von Wilpert, Klaus
Phosphorus mobilization in acid forest soils as affected by interactions of water regime, fertilization and growth of beech
Puhlmann, Heike
The leak in the phosphorus cycle - exploring the mechanisms and controls of phosphorus leaching in soils of acquiring and recycling forest ecosystems
Kaiser, Klaus
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Carbon allocation in plants - transport of newly assimilated carbon, carbon isotope fractionation and the relation to delta13C in respiratory CO2
Gessler, Arthur
Regulation of pedospheric nitrogen uptake by poplar on the level of the whole plant
Gessler, Arthur
Research Grants
Current projects
Understanding and Predicting the Spatial and Temporal Variability of Snow Processes Under Different Vegetation Covers Combining Laser Observations and Point Measurements SPENSER -> Snow Processes vEgetatioN laSer obsERvation
Reiterer, Alexander
Weiler, Markus
Completed projects
Active/Passive Microwave Remote Sensing in Application to Vegetation & Soil and Snow & Soil
Jonard, François
Climate change impacts on Arctic soil and lake microbiomes
Karsten, Ulf
Coupled soil-plant water dynamics - Environmental drivers and species effects
Gessler, Arthur
Weiler, Markus
How do inter- or intra-specific differences in crown architecture, light absorption and light-use efficiency determine thinning responses and complementary effects in mixed-species forests?
Bauhus, Jürgen
Modeling beech-dominated deciduous forest development based on competitive mechanisms of water and nitrogen partitioning
Gessler, Arthur
Natural nanoparticles and colloids in European forested headwater catchments: new insights on spatiotemporal dynamics and potential origin
Braun, Melanie
Stable isotopes and metabolite profiles as physiological markers for the drought stress sensitivity
Gessler, Arthur
The interrelation of carbon and water balance in beech-dominated forests - from leaf level water use efficiency to stand and area scale assessments
Gessler, Arthur
Completed projects
Analysis and modeling of water and matter fluxes in an evolving artificial catchment"
(Project Heads
Bronstert, Axel
Kirchner, James
Oswald, Sascha E.
Patterns of carbon and nutrient fluxes during initial soil formation
(Project Heads
Hagedorn, Frank
Schaaf, Wolfgang
Processes and interactions driving the initial vegetation development
(Project Heads
Biber, Peter
Bugmann, Harald
Lischke, Heike
Pretzsch, Hans
TRR 38: Structures and Processes of the Initial Ecosystem Development Phase in an Artificial Water Catchment
Hüttl, Reinhard F.
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Triple-Quadrupol Massenspektrometer
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Global change effects on forest understorey: how do interactions between drought and land-use intensity affect water, carbon and nitrogen cycling?
Bruelheide, Helge
Gessler, Arthur
Weiler, Markus
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