Technische Universität Dortmund
Fakultät für Informatik
Informatik VI - Lehrstuhl für Datenbanken und Informationssysteme
Otto-Hahn-Straße 14
44227 Dortmund
This institution in GERiT
44227 Dortmund
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Memory Diplomat (MD)
Chen, Jian-Jia
Teubner, Jens
Completed projects
Kooperative und dennoch Informationsfluß-begrenzende Entdeckung von Schutzzielverletzungen
Biskup, Joachim
MxKernel: A Bare-Metal Runtime System for Database Operations on Heterogeneous Many-Core Hardware
Spinczyk, Olaf
Teubner, Jens
Research Grants
Completed projects
Kompositionale Credential-basierte Zugriffskontroll-Systeme
Biskup, Joachim
Kontrollierte Anfrageauswertung zum Vertraulichkeitsschutz in unvollständigen Informationssystemen
Biskup, Joachim
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Algorithmic aspects of learning methods in embedded systems
(Project Heads
Schubert, Erich
Sohler, Christian
Teubner, Jens
Vahrenhold, Jan
Exchange and Fusion of Information under Availability and Confidentiality Requirements in Multi-Agent Systems
(Project Heads
Biskup, Joachim
Kern-Isberner, Gabriele
Real-Time Analysis and Storage of High-Volume Data in Particle Physics
(Project Heads
Albrecht, Johannes
Spaan, Bernhard
Teubner, Jens
Research Units
Completed projects
Towards consistent predictions of water and energy cycles in intermediate scale catchments
Ehret, Uwe
Zehe, Erwin
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 647: Mathematical and Engineering Science Methods for Secure Data Transmission and Information Transfer
Frey, Gerhard