Constructor University
Faculty Mobility
Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Campus Ring 1
28759 Bremen
This institution in GERiT
28759 Bremen
Research Grants
Current projects
A Light-Programmable Coding True Metasurface Antenna (TMA) for Beam Forming
Joodaki, Ph.D., Mojtaba
LDPC- and Polar-coding-based Joint Source-Channel Coding
Henkel, Werner
Completed projects
Coordinated cancellation and correction of non-stationary noise in OFDM
Henkel, Werner
Experimental investigation of boundary conditions at a permeable interface
Khalili, Arzhang
Geometrical Analysis of Iterative Decoding
Henkel, Werner
Iterativ decodierbare Codes und Anwendungen zu ungleichem Fehlerschutz
Henkel, Werner
Low-Density Parity-Check Code-basierte gemeinsame Quellen- und Kanalcodierung
Henkel, Werner
Physical-Layer Security in Wireless and Wireline Transmission
Henkel, Werner
Sedimentation dynamics and microbial degradation of marine aggregates: hydrodynamic fundamentals of particulate carbon transport in the ocean
Grossart, Hans-Peter
Khalili, Arzhang
The DNA from a Coding Perspective
Henkel, Werner
Sobetzko, Patrick
Unconstrained Synthetic Aperture Sonar
Birk, Andreas
Bülow, Heiko
Ungleicher Fehlerschutz mittels Bit-Loading in OFDM und DMT für SISO- und MIMO-Systeme
Henkel, Werner
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Reconstructing the naïve theory of the self
Beste, Christian
Kappas, Arvid
Maurelli, Francesco
Completed projects
Coordinated cancellation and correction of non-stationary noise in DMT (Discrete MultiTone)
Henkel, Werner
The DNA from a Coding Perspektive
Henkel, Werner
Muskhelishvili, Georgi
Unequal error protection and security approaches in wireless and network coding - a study of continuous and discrete number designs
Henkel, Werner
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1375: Nonmetallic Porous Structures for Physical-Chemical Functions
Grathwohl, Georg