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Universität Bremen
Fachbereich 05: Geowissenschaften
Fachgebiet Meerestechnik - Sensorik (aufgelöst)
Klagenfurter Straße
28359 Bremen
28359 Bremen
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Erprobung und Einsatz einer neuen WSTP-Sonde zur Messung von Temperaturen in ODP-Bohrungen
Villinger, Heinrich
NanTroCORK: Development of hydrologic long-term CORK observatories in the seismogenic Nankai Trough subduction zone, Japan
Kopf, Achim
Participation in a site survey cruise off Costa Rica on RV Ewing
Villinger, Heinrich
Replacement of temperature loggers in CORKed ODP boreholes off Costa Rica and analysis of long-term temperature records
Villinger, Heinrich
Seafloor deformation and point convergence of and between two CORK monuments off Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
Villinger, Heinrich
Tectonic framework of the special magma genesis in the Tabar-Feni-Island-Chain from seismic reflection data and IODP presite survey
Gennerich, Hans-Hermann
Temperature Probes of ODP: Improvement of the APC Temperature Tool electronics and modeling of thermal response of high resolution temperature tools
Villinger, Heinrich
Thermal constraints for the seismogenic zone off Costa Rica from geothermal measurements during ODP-Leg 205
Villinger, Heinrich
Research Grants
Completed projects
Development of an in situ self calibrating ocean bottom pressure meter (OBP)
Gennerich, Hans-Hermann
Flach-mariner Hydrothermalismus im Bereich der Tjörnes Bruchzone (nördlich von Island)
Villinger, Heinrich
Geothermische Untersuchungen am Kontinentalrand von Chile
Grevemeyer, Ingo
Hydrothermal circulation and its impact on the seismic structure of the oceanic crust: Analyses of marine seismic data from the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
Grevemeyer, Ingo
SWIRheat: proof of asthenospehere topography at ultra slow midocean ridges by heat flow determinations on the Southwest Indian Ridge
Kaul, Norbert
Villinger, Heinrich
Temperatur- und Wärmestromdichtemessungen über den Gakkel-Rücken und in seinen angrenzenden Becken
Kaul, Norbert
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Geothermal investigations at the Continental margin off Costa Rica and Nicaragua (M54/2)
Villinger, Heinrich
Interpretation of geothermal investigations off Costa Rica an Nicaragua
Villinger, Heinrich
Logatchev Longterm Hydrothermal Field Environmental Monitoring
Villinger, Heinrich
Longstern study of hydrothermalism and biology at the Logatchev field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 15°N (revisit 2005) M64/2
Villinger, Heinrich
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