Technische Universität Braunschweig
Fakultät für Maschinenbau
Institut für Flugführung
Hermann-Blenk-Straße 27
38108 Braunschweig
This institution in GERiT
38108 Braunschweig
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
(Project Head
Schänzer, Gunther
(Project Head
Schänzer, Gunther
SFB 420: Flugmesstechnik - Modellierung dynamischer Systeme
Schänzer, Gunther
Systemintegration und Flugversuch
(Project Head
Swolinsky, Manfred
Wind- und Turbulenzmessung
(Project Head
Schänzer, Gunther
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Air quality parameters measured with a novel drone payload – Air-Q-Drone
Lampert, Astrid
Wehner, Birgit
Optical 3D-bridge-inspect: Innovative inspection of complex infrastructure combining very high-resolution UAV-borne imagery and structured-light scanning
Bestmann, Ulf
Gerke, Markus
Current projects
Flight dynamics models and handling qualities
(Project Head
Steen, Meiko
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
15-Kanal Projektion für Festsitzsimulator
Research Grants
Current projects
Aerosol variability and interaction with ambient conditions based on small-scale vertical and horizontal distribution of Arctic measurements (AIDA)
Lampert, Astrid
Wehner, Birgit
Experimental Investigation of Open Ocean and Coastal Aerosol (EICA)
Bange, Jens
Lampert, Astrid
Wehner, Birgit
Horizontal km Scale Variability of Arctic Sea Ice and Atmospheric Dynamics, Aerosol, Trace Gases and Radiation for Investigating Interaction Processes of the Earth System Compartments during the Melting Season (HELiPOD4ArtofMelt)
Lampert, Astrid
Methane fluxes and isotopic composition over heterogeneous landscapes of Arctic permafrost and Siberian peatlands (MICHAEL)
Lampert, Astrid
Sachs, Torsten
Completed projects
ALEXIA - Analysis Linking Arctic Methane, Carbon Release, Heat Fluxes and Sea Ice from Local to Sub-Regional Scales by Airborne Measurements
Lampert, Astrid
Sachs, Torsten
Investigating the Small-Scale Vertical and Horizontal Variability of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Aerosol using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Bange, Jens
Lampert, Astrid
Wiedensohler, Alfred
Optimization of reentry trajectories interaction with dynamic routing in a global air traffic system
Feuerle, Thomas
Wiedemann, Carsten
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
ALICE - Airborne tool for methane isotopic composition and polar meteorological experiments
Lampert, Astrid
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2163: Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Aviation – SE²A
Friedrichs, Jens
Radespiel, Rolf