Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Argelander-Institut für Astronomie
Abteilung Radioastronomie
Auf dem Hügel 71
53121 Bonn
This institution in GERiT
53121 Bonn
Research Grants
Completed projects
Diagnostics of the Solar Wind in its Formation Region and Interstellar Interface
Bird, Michael Keith
Pätzold, Martin
Dunkle Materie in Galaxien
Klein, Ulrich
Gasdynamik im äußeren galaktischen Halo, HVCs als Testobjekte für den physikalischen Zustand des Halo-Plasmas
Mebold, Ulrich
Gasdynamik im äußeren galaktischen Halo, HVCs als Testobjekte für den physikalischen Zustand des Halo-Plasmas
Lesch, Harald
Radio Observations of the Cosmic Evolution of Black Hole and Stellar Mass Growth in Galaxies
Bertoldi, Frank
Schinnerer, Eva
The distribution of mass in dwarf galaxies and the structure of their ISM
Klein, Ulrich
The Dwingeloo/Villa-Elisa HI Survey - the first Super-Sensitive View of Galactic Structure and Dynamics
Kalberla, Peter M.W.
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Beobachtung und Theorie der Ausflüsse protostellarer Objekte
Bertoldi, Frank
COSMOS: A Radio and (Sub)mm Study of Starbursts and AGN throughout Cosmic History
Bertoldi, Frank
Schinnerer, Eva
COSMOS: A Radio and (Sub)mm Study of Starbursts and AGN throughout Cosmic History
Bertoldi, Frank
Large-Scale Structure Formation in the Local Universe: Constraints from Extended Radio Emission in Clusters of Galaxies
Klein, Ulrich
The APEX Sunyaev-Zeldovich Galaxy Cluster Survey
Bertoldi, Frank
Böhringer, Hans
The Connection Between Quasars and Starbursts
Bertoldi, Frank
Walter, Fabian
The Physical Conditions of the ISM in High-Redshift Galaxies
Bertoldi, Frank
Walter, Fabian
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
From molecular clouds to star formation: The astrochemistry of carbon
Bensch, Frank
Research Units
Completed projects
Central tasks of the Research Unit and general information applicable for all principal investigators
Klein, Ulrich
Commissioning LOFAR for polarisation observations
Beck, Rainer
Klein, Ulrich
FOR 1254: Magnetisation of Interstellar and Intergalactic Media: The Prospects of Low-Frequency Radio Observations
Klein, Ulrich
LOFAR observations of SZ-selected galaxy clusters, and high-fidelity imaging
Brüggen, Ph.D., Marcus
Klein, Ulrich
Magnetization of the IGM: Role of starburst dwarf galaxies
Klein, Ulrich
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Platform for research data management and quality assessment
(Project Heads
Bertoldi, Frank
Kramer, Michael
Pfalzner, Susanne
Schlemmer, Stephan
Valencia-Schneider, Monica
Walch-Gassner, Stefanie
The dust-obscured cosmic star formation history beyond the Herschel confusion limit
(Project Heads
Bertoldi, Frank
Riechers, Dominik
Tomography of cosmic reionization and large-scale structure of the Universe at redshifts 3 – 8
(Project Heads
Bertoldi, Frank
Riechers, Dominik
Completed projects
Central Tasks
(Project Heads
Bertoldi, Frank
Schlemmer, Stephan
Stutzki, Jürgen
Digital Wide-Band Spectrometers
(Project Head
Bertoldi, Frank
Galaxienkerne und Starbursts
(Project Head
Bertoldi, Frank
Nearby Photon-Dominated Regions: From Diffuse Clouds to Metal-Poor Halo Clouds and the Magellanic System
(Project Heads
Bensch, Frank
Klein, Ulrich
Properties of the ISM in dwarf galaxies
(Project Head
Klein, Ulrich
Public Outreach
(Project Heads
Bertoldi, Frank
Schlemmer, Stephan
Stutzki, Jürgen
SFB 494: The Evolution of Interstellar Matter: Terahertz Spektroscopy in Space and in the Laboratory
Stutzki, Jürgen
Shock Modelling
(Project Head
Bertoldi, Frank
Starbursts in high-redshift galaxies and quasars
(Project Head
Bertoldi, Frank
Understanding Galaxy Assembly
(Project Heads
Bertoldi, Frank
Karim, Alexander
Magnelli, Benjamin
Verwaltung und Koordination
(Project Heads
Bertoldi, Frank
Schlemmer, Stephan
Stutzki, Jürgen
Completed projects
Probing Dark Matter and Dark Energy with observations of the evolution and spatial distribution of galaxy clusters
(Project Heads
Bertoldi, Frank
Dolag, Klaus
Mohr, Joseph
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 787: Galaxy Groups as Laboratories for Baryonic and Dark Matter
Dettmar, Ralf-Jürgen
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
PUNCH4NFDI - Particles, Universe, NuClei and Hadrons for the NFDI
Schörner, Thomas