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Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Institut für Mikrobiologie und Biotechnologie
Meckenheimer Allee 168
53115 Bonn
This institution in GERiT
53115 Bonn
Research Grants
Current projects
A novel pathway of sulfur oxidation: The heterodisulfide reductase-like system
Dahl, Christiane
Bacterial lipoate synthesis revisited: novel enzymes, unusual substrates and new evolutionary perspectives
Dahl, Christiane
Exploring Transit Peptides through Photosynthetic Restoration in Chlamydomonas
Caspari, Ph.D., Oliver
Completed projects
Analyse des Elektronentransports und der Energiekonservierung von methanogenen Archaea beim Wachstum auf Acetat
Deppenmeier, Uwe
Comparative analysis of aceticlastic methanogenesis in Methanosarcina and Methanosaeta species
Deppenmeier, Uwe
Control of the HLA antigen processing pathways by the HLA class III-encoded BAT3
Koch, Norbert
Die periplasmatischen Schwefelkugeln phototropher Schwefelbakterien
Trüper, Hans G.
Dissimilatorische Sulfat-Aktivierung und -Freisetzung bei Prokaryonten
Trüper, Hans G.
Energy conservation in methanogenic archaea associated with the human gut
Deppenmeier, Uwe
Manipulation of the Human Lymphocyte Antigen Class II Processing Pathway by Herpes Simplex Virus Encoded Glycoprotein B
Koch, Norbert
Mechanismus der Proteinzusammenlagerung und der Peptidbeladung von MHC Klasse II Molekülen
Koch, Norbert
Microbial utilization, mobilization and uptake of elemental sulfur
Dahl, Christiane
Prange, Alexander
Novel lipoate-binding proteins and their role in sulfur oxidation
Dahl, Christiane
Sulfurtransferases as essential players during dissimilatory sulfur oxidation
Dahl, Christiane
The oxidation of stored sulfur in phototrophic sulfur bacteria
Dahl, Christiane
Thiosulfate dehydrogenase: an unusual acidophilic c-type cytochrome
Dahl, Christiane
Thiosulfate oxidation in sulfur-storing bacteria
Dahl, Christiane
Untersuchungen zur Osmoseregulation halophiler Eubakterien, die Ectoine als kompatible Solute synthetisieren
Galinski, Erwin
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Studying protein organization and dynamics of the Type I-Fv CRISPR-Cas system of Shewanella putrefaciens CN-32 at a high spatiotemporal resolution in living cells
Endesfelder, Ulrike
Completed projects
Genome analysis in Methanosarcina mazei GÖ1: Mechanisms for the adaptation to different carbon- and energy sources
Deppenmeier, Uwe
Structure of unique proton-translocating enzymes from methanosarcina mazei GÖ1
Deppenmeier, Uwe
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Funktions-Struktur-Beziehungen der MHC Klasse II assoziierten invarianten Kette
(Project Head
Koch, Norbert
Immunisierung mit rekombinantem B-Lymphom Idiotyp als Fusionsgen mit Signalsequenzen für den MHCII Sortierungsweg. Klinische Analysen beim Multiplen Myelom
(Project Heads
Bohlen, Heribert
Koch, Norbert
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Three-dimensional single particle tracking of herpesvirus egress and tegument assembly
Scherer, Katharina Maria
Completed projects
Advanced microscopy techniques
(Project Heads
Endesfelder, Ulrike
Kubitscheck, Ulrich
Oesterhelt, Filipp
Sass, Peter
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1572: Bionics - Interactions across Boundaries to the Environment
von der Emde, Gerhard
Additional Information
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