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Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Institut für Geodäsie und Geoinformation
Lehrstuhl für Photogrammetrie
Nußallee 15
53115 Bonn
This institution in GERiT
53115 Bonn
Research Grants
Current projects
Improving plant disease detection by harnessing oblique observation angles from multispectral cameras and unmanned aerial vehicles.
Heim, Rene
Completed projects
Adaptive Wavelet-Darstellung von Oberflächen, Rekonstruktion und Interpretation
Kunoth, Angela
Building acquisition, textured building models, integration of GIS-technology and image analysis
Förstner, Wolfgang
Laser-based Scene Interpretation in Dynamic Envrionments
Behley, Jens
Methodology for characterizing image analysis algorithms and its use in digital photogrammetry
Förstner, Wolfgang
Ontologische Skalen für die automatisierte Erfassung, die effiziente Verarbeitung und schnelle Visualisierung von Landschaftsmodellen
Förstner, Wolfgang
Semi-automatic generation of highly detailed textured building models
Förstner, Wolfgang
Semi-automatic generation of highly detailed textured building models
Förstner, Wolfgang
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5351: KI-FOR Automation and Artificial Intelligence for Monitoring and Decision Making of Horticultural Crops (AID4Crops)
McCool, Christopher
IP2: Exploiting Repeated Data Acquisitions for Improved Long-term Monitoring Capabilities
Stachniss, Cyrill
Completed projects
3D-Surface Reconstruction
Cremers, Daniel
Exploration for Micro Aerial Vehicles
Stachniss, Cyrill
FOR 1505: Mapping on Demand
Stachniss, Cyrill
Incremental Mapping from Image Sequences
Stachniss, Cyrill
Mapping on Demand
Stachniss, Cyrill
Robust direct georeferencing of lightweight UAV
Kuhlmann, Heiner
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Geometrische Rekonstruktion und Bewertung der Modellierung von rezenten Sedimentumlagerungen
(Project Heads
Förstner, Wolfgang
Kunoth, Angela
Schäfer, Andreas
Metainformation und Qualität
(Project Head
Förstner, Wolfgang
Modellierung und Interpretation relief- und grenzflächenbezogener Daten
(Project Heads
Förstner, Wolfgang
Helfrich, Hans-Peter
Objektorientiertes 3D/4D-Geoinformationssystem
(Project Heads
Cremers, Armin B.
Förstner, Wolfgang
Siehl, Agemar
Completed projects
[Multibot] Cooperative Human-Robot Exploration
(Project Heads
Burgard, Wolfram
Stachniss, Cyrill
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2070: PhenoRob - Robotics and Phenotyping for Sustainable Crop Production
Kuhlmann, Heiner
Stachniss, Cyrill
Additional Information
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