Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Sprachwissenschaftliches Institut
Universitätsstraße 150
44801 Bochum
This institution in GERiT
44801 Bochum
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Kommentierter Dialektatlas des europäischen Romani. Schwerpunkt Südosteuropa.
Boretzky, Norbert
Research Grants
Completed projects
Construction of a structured reference corpus "Frühneuhochdeutsch" (1350-1650) which is digitally available, transcribed, lemmatised and grammatically annotated.
Demske, Ulrike
Dipper, Stefanie
Solms, Hans-Joachim
Die automatische zeitliche Vermessung sprachlicher Äußerungen im Deutschen, Englischen und Niederländischen: Entwicklung einer Software für experimentelle Psycholinguisten
Belke, Eva
Prozedurale Ursachen lexikalischer Zugriffsstörungen bei amnestischer Aphasie und Restaphasie
Belke, Eva
"Questions by St. Anselm about the Lord's Passion" --- digitization, analysis and edition of all German versions (14th-16th c.)
Dipper, Stefanie
Referenzkorpus Mittelhochdeutsch (1050-1350)
Dipper, Stefanie
Wegera, Klaus-Peter
Wich-Reif, Claudia
Scientific Networks
Current projects
Definiteness across domains
Renans, Agata
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Information Management as a Factor for Syntactic Variation in the History of German
(Project Heads
Dipper, Stefanie
Speyer, Augustin
Jesus and Mary as divine healers in service for the salvation of the faithful: A mixed-method analysis of medical metaphorizations in Medieval German texts
(Project Heads
Dipper, Stefanie
Elwert, Frederik
Metaphor Base Camp: Providing the common data basis and advancing digital research methods for religious metaphors
(Project Heads
Dipper, Stefanie
Elwert, Frederik
Krech, Volkhard
Tonne, Danah