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University of California, Berkeley
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology
142 LSA #3200
Berkeley CA 94720-3200
Berkeley CA 94720-3200
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
A mutagenesis screen to identify novel genes required for late developmental processes in Xenopus tropicalis
Philipp, Isabelle
Elucidating the molecular mechanism of actin function in mammalian clathrin-mediated endocytosis: plasma membrane tension as a potential regulator
Kaplan, Charlotte
Insights into the evolutionary origin of a postsynaptic scaffold
Burkhardt, Pawel
Mechanistic studies of NMDA receptor function using subunit-specific photoswitchable ligands
Reiner, Andreas
Messung der Wechselwirkung von spannungs- und ligandengesteuerten Domänen in HCN-Ionenkanälen
Ulbrich, Maximilian
Optische Manipulation der Struktur und Funktion von Ionenkanälen
Janovjak, Harald
pH-dependent Wnt-Signaling Activation and Gastric Carcinogenesis
Walentek, Peter
Terminal deficiency associated PEV (TDA-PEV) modifier genes and their implication in chromosome and nuclear organization in D. melanogaster
Heun, Patrick
Tethering of viral BPV-DNA to mitotic host cell chromosomes - Investigation of mechanisms of viral DNA retention
Voitenleitner, Christian
The molecular and cellular basis of thirst behavior
Hartl, Marion
The proposal focuses on the investigation of the molecular basis of Myxococcus xanthus A-motility, using genetic and fluorescence microscopy techniques
Kaimer, Christine
Untersuchung von Endozytose und Aktinzytoskelett in Säugerzellen
Pauly, Barbara
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
The role of the reductive stress response as a vulnerability in hematologic malignancies
Heider, Michael
Completed projects
Assembly of a dynamic spatio-temporal map of gene expression regulation during intestinal stem cell differentiation to enterocytes
Walther, Nike
WBP Return Grant
Current projects
Walther, Nike
Research Grants
Completed projects
Exploitation and total synthesis of new microbial sphingolipid-type signaling molecules (EXSPHINGO)
Beemelmanns, Christine
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