Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung (IPK)
Abteilung Genbank
Arbeitsgruppe Experimentelle Taxonomie
Corrensstraße 3
06466 Gatersleben
This institution in GERiT
06466 Gatersleben
Research Grants
Current projects
Disentangling the complex karyotype evolution of crocuses
Harpke, Dörte
Completed projects
Towards a resolved phylogeny for a new classification of Crocus L. (Irididaceae)
Harpke, Dörte
Cataloguing and Digitisation
Completed projects
Digitisation / Cataloguing of non-textual objects: Indexing and digitization of the herbarium of wild and cultivated plants of IPK Gatersleben
Knüpffer, Helmut
Pistrick, Klaus
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Biogeographic history of plant communities
(Project Heads
Harpke, Dörte
Koch, Marcus
Luebert, Federico
Quandt, Dietmar
Weigend, Maximilian