Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung (IPK)
Abteilung Genbank
Corrensstraße 3
06466 Gatersleben
This institution in GERiT
06466 Gatersleben
Research Grants
Current projects
Adaptive introgression in hybrid swarms between wild and domesticated barley in Israel
Mascher, Ph.D., Martin
Schnurbusch, Thorsten
Barley Responses and Adaptation to Changing Environments.
Neumann, Kerstin
Pillen, Klaus
Rötter, Reimund P.
Potato - endophyte interaction in response to complex abiotic stress (POTEND Stress)
Nagel, Manuela
Prediction-based normalization for developmental heterochrony in parallel molecular-level and phenomic studies in plants
Neumann, Kerstin
Understanding the evolution and function of the heterostyly supergene in Amsinckia (Boraginaceae)
Himmelbach, Axel
Lenhard, Michael
VETCH NUTRITION: Revalorizing the founder crop bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia Willd.) to boost local protein production in Israel and Europe
Mascher, Ph.D., Martin
Completed projects
BARN_BARley yield associated Network
Muehlbauer, Gary J.
Stein, Nils
Waugh, Robbie
Complex study and physical mapping of genes in hexaploid wheat, responsible for embryo development of wheat-rye hybrids via interaction with rye genome
Börner, Andreas
Genotypische und phänotypische Charakterisierung von definierten Weizen-Introgressionslinien
Röder, Marion
Nachweis von Resistenztypen und Resistenzverhalten gegenüber dem Scharka-Virus (plum pox potyvirus, PPV) im Pflaumensortiment Dresden-Pillnitz des IPK Gatersleben
Fischer, Manfred
Regulatory architecture and variation of gene expression in wild and domesticated barley
Mascher, Ph.D., Martin
Three-dimensional organization of chromatin across the plant cell cycle
Mascher, Ph.D., Martin
Schubert, Veit
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Analysis of genetic variation for flowering time in wild barley grown under different environmental conditions
von Korff Schmising, Maria
Neumann, Kerstin