Universität Osnabrück
Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien (IMIS)
Seminarstraße 19 a/b
49074 Osnabrück
This institution in GERiT
49074 Osnabrück
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
"Rasse", Kultur und Zuwanderung. Das Eigene und die Anderen in diskursiven Konstruktionen brasilianischer und deutscher Nationalidentität
Schneider, Jens
Refuge and Belonging: Transformations of Refugee Protection in the Federal Republic of Germany
Kleist, J. Olaf
Research Grants
Current projects
Norms, Regulation and Refugee Agency: Negotiating the Regime
Rass, Christoph A.
Completed projects
Configurations of Islam and Muslims in Germany on a local level
Glasze, Georg
Pott, Andreas
Migration - Integration - Minderheiten seit dem 17. Jahrhundert: eine europäische Enzyklopädie
Bade, Klaus J.
Neighborhoods of Arrival. Negotiations over Migration and Urban Space in Hamburg in the 20th Century
Templin, David
Taking Sides: Protest Against the Deportation of Asylum Seekers. A Comparison between Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Schwenken, Helen
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Ethnizität und Raum im Aufstiegsprozeß
Pott, Andreas
Scientific Networks
Completed projects
Foundations of Refugee Research
Kleist, J. Olaf
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Central Task
(Project Head
Pott, Andreas
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Lang, Christine
Schwenken, Helen
›Refugees‹ and Others: The Production of Refugee-Related Figures since the 1970s
(Project Heads
Löhr, Ph.D., Isabella
Oltmer, Jochen
SFB 1604: Production of Migration
Pott, Andreas
The Production of Climate Flight as an Occasion for Theorisation
(Project Head
Stierl, Maurice
The Production of Climate Flight as an Occasion for Theorisation
(Project Heads
Pott, Andreas
Scheffer, Thomas
The Production of Gender-Differentiating Migration Policies
(Project Head
Schwenken, Helen
The Production of Spaces of Skilled Migration: Recruitment and Mobility of Physicians
(Project Head
Lang, Christine
The Production of Urban Spaces of Migration by Local Administrations and Science
(Project Heads
Oltmer, Jochen
Pott, Andreas
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2951: Cross-border Labour Markets: Transnational Market Makers, Infrastructures, Institutions
Mense-Petermann, Ursula
Completed projects
GRK 12: Migration in Modern Europe
Bommes, Michael