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Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)
Institut für Planetenforschung
Rutherfordstraße 2
12489 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
12489 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Surface Properties and -Processes on Phobos from Spectrophotometric Data by HRSC (High Resolution Stereo Camera) on Mars Express
Mottola, Stefano
Oberst, Jürgen
Willner, Konrad
Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Carbonaceous Chondrites
Greshake, Ansgar
Grott, Matthias
Gundlach, Bastian
Completed projects
Ableitung der thermischen und kompositionellen Struktur der Oberfläche und der unteren Atmosphäre der Venus auf der Basis der Ergebnisse des VIRTIS-Instruments der Venus Express-Mission
Arnold, Gabriele
Aufbau, Entwicklung und Magnetismus der Galileischen Trabanten des Jupiter
Spohn, Tilman
Aufbaumodelle von Ganymed, Callisto und Titan
Spohn, Tilman
Der Einfluß von Resonanzstörungen zweiter Ordnung und gemischter Resonanzen auf die Bewegung von Asteroiden
Soffel, Michael H.
Evolution and Dynamics of Triple Asteroid Systems
Oberst, Jürgen
Investigation of the physical properties and origins of the near-earth asteroids
Harris, Alan
Investigation of the radiative energy balance of Venus based on improved models of the middle and lower atmosphere
Haus, Rainer
Konvektion und thermische Evolution terrestrischer Planeten und Eismonde
Breuer, Doris
Lunar tidal Deformation from Earth-based and orbital Laser Ranging
Hußmann, Hauke
Oberst, Jürgen
Magnetfelder und niederfrequente elektromagnetische Wellen in der Umgebung von Mars und Mond; plasmaphysikalische und planetologische Aspekte ihrer Erforschung
Sauer, Konrad
Melting, impacts, and the volatile contents of the interiors and atmospheres of Mars and Venus
Ruedas, Thomas
Multi-spectrum retrieval of surface properties of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko based on Rosetta/VIRTIS measurements
Kappel, David
Organic components of cometary nuclei and the effects of opaque phases on spectral detectability of cometary organics and minerals.
Moroz, Liubov
Raman Biosignatures for Astrobiology Missions
Baqué, Mickael
Structure and dynamics of Mercury's interior from a new generation of space-geodetic observations
Tosi, Nicola
The Satellites of Saturn after the Cassini Mission: Updated Geodetic Parameters and Interpretations for Interior Structures and Dynamics
Hußmann, Hauke
Oberst, Jürgen
Two Suns in the sky: the TEST telescope on the quest for planets around binary stars
Hatzes, Artie P.
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Exploring the Diversity of Exoplanets Bulk Densities in multi-parameter space
Hatzes, Artie P.
Pätzold, Martin
Rauer, Heike
How long can the most extreme planetary systems survive? Measuring the tidal orbital decay of hot Jupiters.
Smith, Alexis
The co-evolution of mantle and core over Earth’s history
Tosi, Nicola
The role of light elements at the core-mantle boundary – partitioning, demixing, and transport
Redmer, Ronald
Steinle-Neumann, Gerd
Completed projects
Crystallizing the terrestrial magma ocean: thermo- and geodynamics
Steinle-Neumann, Gerd
Tosi, Nicola
Der Einfluß von Schmelzprozessen auf die Entwicklung planetarer Körper
Spohn, Tilman
Detection and Characterization of sub-Jovian Planets with NGTS (Next Generation Transit Survey)
Rauer, Heike
Estimating the lithospheric magnetization of Earth and Mars using satellite magnetic data
Grott, Matthias
Korte, Monika
Exploring the Diversity of Exoplanets in the Mass-Density Diagram
Hatzes, Artie P.
Pätzold, Martin
Rauer, Heike
Geodesy and Cartography of Phobos
Oberst, Jürgen
Higher-order atmospheric effects in the optical occultations and phase curves of exoplanets
García Muñoz, Ph.D., Antonio
Interior-atmosphere feedbacks and the nature of detected sub-Neptunian planets
Rauer, Heike
Tosi, Nicola
Interior structure and seismology of Mars and Moon
Spohn, Tilman
Investigation of the properties and the processes in planetary near-surface layers
Breuer, Doris
Seidensticker, Klaus
Laboratory measurements of analog materials for modeling the spectral and photometric behavior of the bright Martian soil
Arnold, Gabriele
Mars and the terrestrial planets (coordination of the programme)
Spohn, Tilman
Numerical simulations of the thermo-chemical evolution of the cores of Ganymede and Europa and implications for magnetic field generation in terrestrial planets
Breuer, Doris
Observations of Planet Embryos and their Collision Fragments
Harris, Alan
SPP 1115: Mars and the Terrestrial Planets
Spohn, Tilman
Temperature distribution in crust and lithosphere of Mars
Breuer, Doris
The iron-snow regime in Fe-FeS cores: a numerical and experimental approach
Breuer, Doris
Eckert, Sven
Thermo-chemical evolution of ice-silicate bodies: Application to Ceres
Breuer, Doris
Untersuchung der Eigenschaften und Prozesse in planetaren Oberflächenschichten
Breuer, Doris
Research Units
Current projects
Constraining the interiors of exoplanets by measuring the Love numbers k2, h2
Csizmadia, Ph.D., Szilárd
FOR 2440: Matter Under Planetary Interior Conditions - High-Pressure, Planetary and Plasma Physics
Redmer, Ronald
Completed projects
Constraining the interiors of exoplanets by measuring the Love number k_2
Rauer, Heike
Structural and thermal models of mostly-rocky extrasolar planets
Tosi, Nicola
Structural and thermal models of rocky planets and solid exoplanets
Sohl, Frank
Structure and evolution models for Uranus, Neptune, and extrasolar planets with observed Love number k2
Tosi, Nicola
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Bahndynamische Entwicklung natürlicher Satellitensysteme im äußeren Sonnensystem
Hußmann, Hauke
Completed projects
Chronology of lunar crust formation and its relation to the age of the Moon
(Project Heads
Breuer, Doris
Kleine, Thorsten
Klemme, Ph.D., Stephan
Crust formation and outgassing on early Earth and Mars
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Noack, Lena
Sohl, Frank
Early interior-surface-atmosphere interactions on the terrestrial planets
(Project Heads
Rauer, Heike
Sohl, Frank
Wünnemann, Kai
From the Moon-forming impact to the era of late bombardment: the thermochemical evolution of the early Earth-Moon system
(Project Heads
Breuer, Doris
Hansen, Ulrich
Wünnemann, Kai
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