Technische Universität München
ZIEL - Institute for Food and Health
Weihenstephaner Berg 1
85354 Freising
This institution in GERiT
85354 Freising
Research Grants
Current projects
Impact of dietary fiber on body weight during 16/8 intermittent fasting
Brandl, Beate
Completed projects
Analysis and evaluation of the consequences of the offer of and demand for novel food on different actors within the value-added-chain of the food sector
Weindlmaier, Hannes
Deciphering metatranslatomes - the chain link to understand functionality of gut microbiota
Neuhaus, Klaus
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Finding new overlapping genes and their theory
Bossert, Martin
Keim, Daniel
Scherer, Siegfried
Improving the Reliability of RNA-seq: Approaching Single-Cell Transcriptomics to Explore Individuality in Bacteria
Bossert, Martin
Scherer, Siegfried
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Integration and analysis of clinical and multi-omics data
(Project Heads
Baumbach, Jan
Boeker, Martin
Kuhn, Klaus A.
Lagkouvardos, Ilias
List, Markus
Prasser, Fabian
Schirmer, Melanie
Sharma, Ph.D., Sapna