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Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH)
Institut für Atmosphäre und Klima
Universitätsstrasse 16
8092 Zürich
8092 Zürich
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Dynamisch-statistische Analyse von klimatologischen Extremereignissen und ihrer Vorboten an der Landoberfläche
Orlowsky, Boris
WBP Position
Current projects
Process-based modelling of fire extremes via large ensemble climate forcing
Ribeiro, Andreia Filipa Silva
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Climate Engineering by Arctic Winter Cirrus Thinning: Risks and Feasibility (AWiCiT)
Leisner, Thomas
Vogel, Bernhard
The verification of precipitation forecasts from numerical models on short time-scales over Germany with pattern-oriented error measures
Wernli, Heini
Research Units
Completed projects
Quantifying the role of diabatic processes for forecast errors associated with mid-latitude weather systems - A combined observational, diagnostic and modelling approach (DIAP)
Dörnbrack, Andreas
Wernli, Heini
Research Grants
Current projects
dynamicAL ConstrAints on regional projections of future PrecipitatiON Extremes (AL CAPONE)
Pfahl, Stephan
The role of coherent air streams in shaping the Gulf stream’s impact on the large-scale extratropical circulation
Quinting, Julian
Understanding tropical cirrus by combining laboratory cloud simulation and field experiments with process and circulation modelling
Krämer, Martina
Möhler, Ottmar
Voigt, Aiko
Completed projects
Constraining aerosol-low cloud interactions with multi-target machine learning
Andersen, Hendrik
Coupling of the LM and ECHAMS/MESSy for consistently investigating chemistry and transport from the global to the regional scale
Bott, Andreas
Lelieveld, Ph.D., Johannes
Wernli, Heini
Estimating the Impact of the Radiative Feedback from Atmospheric Methane on Climate Sensitivity
Winterstein, Franziska
Feedbacks between Biodiversity and Climate
Bruelheide, Helge
Hickler, Thomas
Foehn Dynamics - Lagrangian Analysis and Large-Eddy Simulation
Schmidli, Ph.D., Juerg
MOisture Transport pathways and Isotopologues in water Vapour (MOTIV)
Schneider, Matthias
WBP Fellowship
Completed projects
Tracking ice nucleating particles to improve climate projections
Villanueva, Diego
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Modelling and prediction of Central European snow- and ice storms - the role of ice microphysics
(Project Head
Wernli, Heini
SFB 641: The Tropospheric Ice Phase - TROPICE
Borrmann, Stephan
Spatial Inhomogeneities of Cirrus: Effects on Atmospheric Radiation
(Project Heads
de Reus, Marian
Spichtinger, Peter
Wendisch, Manfred
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
ADVancing the Investigation of Compound Events via large ensemble climate model simulations (ADVICE)
Bevacqua, Ph.D., Emanuele
Completed projects
On the Role of Stratospheric Ozone in shaping climate variability and change
Chiodo, Ph.D., Gabriel
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Eddy shedding transport from the Asian monsoon as a source of pollution for the lowermost stratosphere
Hoor, Peter
Plöger, Felix
Additional Information
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