Universität Kassel
Campus Witzenhausen
Fachbereich 11 - Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften
Steinstraße 19
37213 Witzenhausen
This institution in GERiT
37213 Witzenhausen
Research Grants
Completed projects
Biometrical approaches for the analysis of genebank evaluation data in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Piepho, Hans-Peter
Der Einfluss gesundheitsbezogener Aussagen (Health Claims) auf das Kaufverhalten von Konsumenten bei Lebensmitteln
Hamm, Ulrich
Institutionalisierung und Ausrichtung der deutschen wissenschaftlichen Agrarpolitik und Agrarökonomie - eine wissenschaftssoziologische Analyse
Hirte, Katrin
Inter-regional differences in the economic impact of illegal emigration of labour force: the case of Mexico
Knerr, Béatrice
Large-scale enterprise and landscape. The demesne of Frankenhausen and the Kassel area from the 18th to the 20th century
Wunder, Heide
The role of landuse and non-agricultural occupations for the design of village profiles (Hesse-Kassel 1737)
Troßbach, Werner
Research Units
Completed projects
3D-organisation of the solid, pore and organic phases in soil microaggregates and its control on mechanical stability
Peth, Stephan
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Micromechanics of root growth and physical habitat properties in the rhizosphere
Peth, Stephan
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Social organization and processes of ecological stabilization and destabilization: A comparative analysis
(Project Heads
Amini, Siawuch
Fremerey, Michael