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Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
Laboratorium für Organische Chemie
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5
8093 Zürich
8093 Zürich
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Enantioselective Functionalizations of alpha-, beta-Unsaturated Carboxylic Acids using Chiral Boronic Acids
Balkenhohl, Moritz
Katalytische Antikörper - Untersuchung von Mediumeffekten und Verbesserung der katalytischen Aktivität durch Hapten-Design in Decarboxylase-Antikörpern
Backes, Alexander Christian
Reaching enzymatic perfection of the de novo designed metalloprotein MID1sc10 and implementing of new enzymatic activities into a flexible protein scaffold by exchanging metal ions and directed evolution
Hoch, Dominic
Stereoselektive Cascade Aldol Reactions for Expeditious. Total Synthesis of Polyketide Natural Products
Saadi, Jakub
Synthese eines zinkkomplexierenden Haarnadelschleifenpeptides aus ß-Aminosäuren
Flögel, Oliver
Synthese und strukturchemische Untersuchungen an modifizierten und nicht modifizierten Beta- und Gamma-Peptiden.
Böhm, Andreas
Synthesis of Nitrogen containing Building Blocks with Monothioester Malonates. An Efficient Method for alpha-, beta- and gamma-Amino Acid Derivatives
Fritz, Ph.D., Sven Peter
Umwandlung einer Chorismatmutase in eine Isochorismat-Pyruvat-Lyase durch Kombination von rationalem Protein-Design und gerichteter Evolution - Erforschung der natürlichen Entstehung moderner hochselektiver Biokatalysatoren
Jäckel, Christian
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Genetic code expansion for protein-protein and protein-DNA interaction studies in dynamic cellular systems
Bultmann, Sebastian
Lang, Kathrin
Large Dispersion Effects in Organic and Organometallic Thermochemistry, Stereochemistry, and Reaction Mechanisms
Chen, Peter
Photo/photoredox-switchable ligands as chemical tools for optogenetics
Lang, Kathrin
Sumser, Martin
Thorn-Seshold, Oliver
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Genetic code expansion tools to introduce post-translational modifications
(Project Head
Lang, Kathrin
Genetic code expansion tools to study and control conformational dynamics and protein assembly
(Project Head
Lang, Kathrin
Research Grants
Current projects
Development of strategies for high throughput DNA-encoded synthesis of heterocycles, and application to targeting inhibitors of apoptosis proteins (IAPs) as model systems
Brunschweiger, Andreas
Kockmann, Norbert
Photoredox catalytic activation of sulfur hexafluoride for the synthesis of pentafluorosulfanylated organic compounds
Wagenknecht, Hans-Achim
Completed projects
Cellular Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography (MSOT) for therapy monitoring of adoptively transferred T-Lymphocytes
Meier, Reinhard
Plank, Christian
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1038: Catalysts and Catalytic Reactions for Organic Synthesis
Breit, Bernhard
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1721: Integrated Analysis of Macromolecular Complexes and Hybrid Methods in Genome Biology
Hopfner, Karl-Peter
Additional Information
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