Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Post Office Box 6920
76049 Karlsruhe
This institution in GERiT
76049 Karlsruhe
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Current projects
Open Access Publication Funding / 2025-2027/ Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Upmeier, Arne
Completed projects
NatHosting II (National Hosting of Electronic Resources)
Ceynowa, Klaus
Helmes, Leni
Poth, Daniela
Seadle, Ph.D., Michael
Söllner, Konstanze
Upmeier, Arne
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Informationsbibliotheken als Informationsvermittler: Neue Informationsinfrastrukturen
Schütte, Christoph-Hubert
Scientific libraries in information markets: Scopes and strategic orientation
Schütte, Christoph-Hubert
Research data and software
Current projects
re3data – Community Driven Open Reference for Research Data Repositories (re3data COREF)
Bertelmann, Roland
Buys, Matthew
Petras, Ph.D., Vivien
Upmeier, Arne
Rolling out the openCARP simulator as a sustainable e-research infrastructure: CARPe-diem
Loewe, Axel
Selzer, Michael
Completed projects
Professionalization of the eResearch-infrastructure of research data on motor performance - motor research data (MO|RE data). Measures for networking, improvement of usability, quality assurance and sustainability
Upmeier, Arne
Woll, Alexander
Recommendersysteme für Meta-Bibliothekskataloge
Sustainable Lifecycle Management for Scientific Software (SuLMaSS) - Software Dissemination and Infrastructure Development Driven by a Cardiac Electrophysiology Simulator
Loewe, Axel
Seemann, Gunnar
Selzer, Michael
Streit, Achim
Upmeier, Arne