Universität Konstanz
Universitätsstraße 10
78464 Konstanz
This institution in GERiT
78464 Konstanz
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Optimierung von Fragmentelektronendichten für gemischt quantenmechanisch/molekularmechanische (QM/MM) und fragmentbasierte quantenmechanische Verfahren
Exner, Thomas E.
Research Grants
Current projects
Deep learning methods with symmetry priors for problems in quantum computing.
Ivanova-Rohling, Violeta Nikolaeva
Group targeting and citizens' responses to electoral promises and their realization (GROUPTA)
Deiss-Helbig, Elisa
Time-dependent Moments
di Dio, Philipp
Unequal mandate responsiveness? How electoral promises and their realizations target groups in France and Germany
Deiss-Helbig, Elisa
Matthieß, Theres
Completed projects
Academic reforms and knowledge transfer in Hungary, late 18th - early 19th century - practice and institutionalization of statistics
Török, Zsuzsanna
An Archaeology of first European contact in the Pacific
Cruz Berrocal, María
Fein-Dekomposition komparativischer und superlativischer Nominalphrasen an der Syntax/Semantik-Schnittstelle
Penka, Doris
Groups definable in tame expansions of o-minimal structures and related problems.
Eleftheriou, Panteleimon
Structure Evaluation of Biochemical Systems Based on NMR Chemical Shift Calculations with a Fragment-Based Quantum Chemical Approach
Exner, Thomas E.
The homo sacer on Stage
Boll, Julia
The role of theta oscillations for prelexical abstraction
Strauß, Ph.D., Antje
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Sleeping with eight eyes open: morphology, function, ecology and evolution of sleep in spiders
Rößler, Daniela
Social Inequalities in Ageing Societies (SocIAS): Work-Care-Reconciliation in Later Life and Their (Unequal) Health and Participation Consequences from a Comparative Welfare State Perspective
Bertogg, Ph.D., Ariane
Completed projects
Towards a New Epistemology of Science
Schindler, Samuel
What is it to ask a question? A formal pragmatic investigation of the sentential force of interrogatives.
Lauer, Sven