Universität Hamburg
Centrum für Erdsystemforschung und Nachhaltigkeit (CEN)
Bundesstraße 53
20146 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
20146 Hamburg
Research Grants
Current projects
MULTISCOSS: MULTI-Frequency SCatterometer Observations of Sea ice and Snow
Notz, Dirk
Stammer, Detlef
Sensitivity of ocean heat uptake to changing atmospheric forcing in the context of climate variability
Koehl, Armin
Studying ocean kinetic energy through a combination of novel SWOT altimeter data and regional in situ observations
Schütte, Florian
Stammer, Detlef
Completed projects
Analysis of long-term changes in the tidal dynamics of the North Sea
Jensen, Jürgen
Pohlmann, Thomas
Anwendungsnahe Nutzung von Algorithmen zur Fernerkundung von Flüssen und Feuchtgebieten (AnaNAF-FF)
Stammer, Detlef
Einfluss der Ozeanzirkulation auf das Schwerefeld der Erde
Rummel, Reiner
Stammer, Detlef
Impact of Wind, Rain, and Surface Slicks on Air-Sea CO2 Transfer Velocity - TankExperiments -
Stammer, Detlef
Long-term Indonesian Throughflow Model Simulation
Damm, Peter
Matter budget of microplastics in limnic ecosystems: sources, flow paths and sinks of microplastic particles in the model catchment area of Lake Tollense, Mecklenburg Western-Pomerania
Fischer, Elke
Ozeanwirbeldynamik analysiert anhand von TOPEX-JASON Tandem Altimeterdaten und numerischen Zirkulationsmodellen
Schröter, Jens
Stammer, Detlef
Shifts in the Mediterranean Hydrography and Circulation observed on repeated transects through the Mediterranean Sea.
Quadfasel, Detlef
Study of upwelling and related processes in the coastal area of South Vietnam
Pohlmann, Thomas
The Role of Coupled Versus Uncoupled Reanalyses for Initialization of Decadal Climate Predictions
Polkova, Iuliia
The role of the North Sea in the cycling of persistent organic pollutants
Pohlmann, Thomas
Untersuchung des Upwellings und damit verbundener Prozesse im Küstenbereich vor Südvietnam
Pohlmann, Thomas
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
About using dual-polarization multi-frequency microwave observations for improved identification of thin ice and retrieval of its thickness
Dierking, Wolfgang
Heygster, Georg
Stammer, Detlef
Investigation of the total Antarctic polynya area using satellite passive microwave sensors and estimation of the associated ice production, brine release, thin-ice area and thickness
Stammer, Detlef
Modelling and parameterization of lead generated turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer over Antarctic sea ice
Gryschka, Micha
Lüpkes, Christof
Stammer, Detlef
Snow Covers impacts on Antarctic Sea Ice (SCASI)
Nicolaus, Marcel
Stammer, Detlef
Research Units
Completed projects
Amplitude, mechanism, and dynamical significance of salinity variability in the Atlantic and Nordic Seas, analyzed from satellite data and ocean syntheses
Stammer, Detlef
A new Approach toward Improved Estimates of Atlantic Ocean freshwater Budgets and Tranports as Part of the Global Hydrological Cycle
Stammer, Detlef
FOR 1740: A New Approach toward Improved Estimates of Atlantic Ocean Freshwater Budgets and Transports as Part of the Global Hydrological Cycle
Stammer, Detlef
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Causes of Decadal to Centennial Regional Sea Level Variations (DECVAR-2)
Jungclaus, Johann
Stammer, Detlef
Combined Ocean-Geodetic Analysis of Global and Regional Ocean Mass-, and Freshwater Transport Divergences
Böning, Claus
Stammer, Detlef
Visbeck, Martin
Coordination Funds
Stammer, Detlef
Improved De-Aliasing for Gravity Field Modelling with GRACE
Flechtner, Frank
Gruber, Thomas
Stammer, Detlef
Trautmann, Thomas
Improving ocean tides by constraining the dynamic HAMTIDE model with altimetry an GRACE data
Rummel, Reiner
Stammer, Detlef
SPP 1889: Regional Sea Level Change and Society (SeaLevel)
Stammer, Detlef
Reinhart Koselleck Projects
Current projects
Framework for an Earth System Reanalysis – EARTH^(RA)
Stammer, Detlef
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Auswirkung von nordwesteuropäischen Frischwassereinträgen auf Zirkulation und Massenaufbau im Nordostatlanik
(Project Head
Pohlmann, Thomas
Früherkennung von Wassermassen- und Transportanomalien im Nordmeer
(Project Head
Stammer, Detlef
Wechselwirkungen zwischen der nordostatlantischen Zirkulation und dem nordwesteuropäischen Schelf
(Project Heads
Pohlmann, Thomas
Sündermann, Jürgen
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 177: Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction (CliSAP)
Claußen, Martin
Engels, Anita
Stammer, Detlef
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2037: Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CLICCS)
Baehr, Johanna
Engels, Anita
Marotzke, Jochem
Oberg, Achim
Stammer, Detlef