Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
Projektträger DESY
Notkestraße 85
22607 Hamburg
22607 Hamburg
Research Grants
Completed projects
G-K Sterne im RASS bei hohen Breiten
Zickgraf, Franz-Josef
G-K Sterne im RASS bei hohen Breiten
Zickgraf, Franz-Josef
Nonlinear mass-preserving registration for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET)
Burger, Martin
Modersitzki, Jan
Optische und Infrarot-Beobachtungen des sehr jungen Sternhaufens NGC 2362
Berghöfer, Thomas
Regularisierung mit Singulären Energien
Burger, Martin
Sparsity-constrained inversion with tomographic applications
Burger, Martin
Maaß, Peter
Young low-mass stars in the vicinity of isolated Herbig Ae/Be stars
Zickgraf, Franz-Josef
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Deep-Learning Based Regularization of Inverse Problems
Burger, Martin
Kutyniok, Gitta
Theoretical Foundations of Uncertainty-Aware Deep Learning for Inverse Problems
Burger, Martin
Möller, Michael
Completed projects
CoS-MRXI - Compressed sensing for magnetorelaxometry imaging of magnetic nanoparticles
Baumgarten, Daniel
Wübbeling, Frank
Optimal control of self-consistent classical and quantum particle systems
Burger, Martin
Pinnau, René
Current projects
Transport metrics for analysis and optimization of network problems
(Project Head
Burger, Martin
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
PET reconstructions of thin structures and their validation
(Project Heads
Burger, Martin
Büther, Florian
Schäfers, Klaus
Wübbeling, Frank
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Current projects
openCost: automated, standardised delivery and open provision of publication costs and publishing agreements
Deinzer, Gernot
Pieper, Dirk
Wagner, Alexander
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2339: IntComSin: Interfaces, Complex Structures, and Singular Limits in Continuum Mechanics - Analysis and Numerics
Grün, Günther
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1003: Cells in Motion - CiM: Imaging to Understand Cellular Behaviour in Organisms
Sorokin, Lydia