Europa-Universität Flensburg
Institut für mathematische, naturwissenschaftliche
und technische Bildung
Abteilung Biologie und ihre Didaktik
Auf dem Campus 1
24943 Flensburg
This institution in GERiT
24943 Flensburg
Research Units
Completed projects
Feeding strategies in sauropodomorphs: The evolution of extreme neck length and very large body size
Christian, Andreas
Histology and morphology of sauropod cervical ribs: Implications for neck posture
Sander, Martin
Reconstruction of the neck posture and neck utilisation in sauropods and prosauropods, and its relevance for body design
Christian, Andreas
Research Grants
Completed projects
Quartäre Seespiegelschwankungen und Dünengenese am Ostrand des Mongol- Els-Dünenfeldes, West-Mongolei
Stolz, Christian
The fast death of a lake
Stolz, Christian