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Universität Bremen
Fachgebiet Strömungsmechanik
Zentrum für angewandte Raumfahrttechnologie
und Mikrogravitation (ZARM)
Am Fallturm 2
28359 Bremen
This institution in GERiT
28359 Bremen
Research Grants
Current projects
Emergence of small-scale mixing in a T-mixer
Avila Canellas, Marc
Generalised Maxwell theories - theoretical structure and experimental tests
Lämmerzahl, Claus
General relativistic theory of charged accretion disk structures around black holes: influence of the (self)-electromagnetic interaction
Lämmerzahl, Claus
General relativistic theory of spin-fluid accretion disks around Black Holes
Lämmerzahl, Claus
Indirect assessment of local surface defects on wind turbine rotor blades
Avila Canellas, Marc
Fischer, Andreas
Momentum and velocity-dependent spacetime geometries: Traces of quantum gravity, fields in media and the gravitational field of kinetic gases
Pfeifer, Christian
Completed projects
Adaptive powder nozzle for additive manufacturing processes
Groll, Rodion
Seefeld, Thomas
Analytic solutions of equations of motion in General Relativity
Kunz-Drolshagen, Jutta
Lämmerzahl, Claus
CFD modelling of indoor aerosol transport based on experimental Lagrangian particle tracking measurements to infer airborne SARS-CoV-2 transmission risk
Avila Canellas, Marc
Schröder, Andreas
CISM-Kurs "Theories of Turbulence"
Albensoeder, Stefan
Cold atoms in gravity and microgravity
Lämmerzahl, Claus
Computational modeling of electric discharge inside electric propulsion systems by a hybrid PIC-MCC/FVM approach
Groll, Rodion
Development of high-precision thermal models for the simulation of thermally induced perturbation effects
Dittus, Hansjörg
Die Selbstkraft massiver geladener Teilchen
Lämmerzahl, Claus
Dynamics and transport of magnetorotational instabilities in Taylor--Couette flows
Avila Canellas, Marc
Dynamics of neutral and charged objects in gravitational fields coupled to nonlinear electrodynamics
Lämmerzahl, Claus
Effects of spacetime fluctuations
Lämmerzahl, Claus
Exakte Berechnung von Satellitenbahnen unter dem Einfluss von Störkräften
Dittus, Hansjörg
General Relativistic theory of viscous accretion disks around Black Holes
Lämmerzahl, Claus
Improved test of the Weak Equivalence Principle: First scientific results of the MICROSCOPE mission
Lämmerzahl, Claus
New independent analysis and interpretation of the Pioneer 10 and 11 Doppler data: Finding the origin of the Pioneer anomaly
Dittus, Hansjörg
Parametrische Modulation thermischer und thermomagnetischer Konvektion in magnetischen Flüssigkeiten
Odenbach, Stefan
Propagation of light signals near a black hole surrounded by a plasma
Lämmerzahl, Claus
Relativistic deviation equations and their application: Probing gravity with structured test bodies
Puetzfeld, Dirk
Test particles in Cosmic string space-times
Hartmann, Betti
The motion of structured test bodies in gravitational fields: Equitations of motion and their solutions
Lämmerzahl, Claus
Turbulente Diffusion: Experimentelle Untersuchung, Modellierung und Direkte Numerische Simulation
Oberlack, Martin
Tropea, Cameron
Untersuchung der viskoelastischen Eigenschaften magnetischer Flüssigkeiten verschiedener chemischer Komposition
Odenbach, Stefan
Untersuchung des Einflusses der freien Konvektion auf den Wärmeübergang bei Zylindern mit verschiedenen Aspektverhältnissen
Rath, Hans Josef
Untersuchung des Einflusses primärer Agglomerate auf die magnetoviskosen Effekte in Ferrofluiden
Odenbach, Stefan
Untersuchung thermodiffusiver Prozesse in magnetischen Flüssigkeiten
Odenbach, Stefan
Verbesserter Freifalltest des Schwachen Äquivalenzprinzips
Dittus, Hansjörg
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Coherent superstructures in turbulent pipe and Taylor-Couette flows
Avila Canellas, Marc
GrindBall - Novel drive and bearing concept for micro grinding tools
Brinksmeier, Ekkard
Groll, Rodion
Orlik, Bernd
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2688: Instabilities, Bifurcations and Migration in Pulsatile Flows
Wagner, Christian
FOR 5456: Clock Metrology: A Novel Approach to TIME in Geodesy
Schreiber, Ulrich
General Relativity and coherent time
Hackmann, Eva
Influence of geometry, rheology and compliance on the transition to turbulence in pulsatile pipe flow
Avila Canellas, Marc
Completed projects
Transport and pattern formation in pipe flow: theory / simulation
Avila Canellas, Marc
Eckhardt, Bruno
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)-System
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Advancing Inter-Spacecraft Laser Interferometry
(Project Heads
Grosse, Jens
Heinzel, Gerhard
Multi-Purpose Space Mission Simulator
(Project Heads
List, Meike
Rievers, Benny
Relativistic Geodesy from Space Using Novel Measurement Concepts
(Project Heads
Hackmann, Eva
Lämmerzahl, Claus
Müller, Jürgen
Terrestrial Clock Networks: Fundamental Physics and Applications
(Project Heads
Lämmerzahl, Claus
Müller, Jürgen
Completed projects
Clock network modeling for relativistic geodesy
(Project Heads
Lämmerzahl, Claus
Müller, Jürgen
Data analysis challenges for the GRACE Follow-On community
(Project Heads
Flury, Jakob
Hewitson, Ph.D., Martin
List, Meike
Naeimi, Majid
High performance satellite formation flight simulator
(Project Heads
Hewitson, Ph.D., Martin
List, Meike
Rievers, Benny
Quantum dynamics under gravitation
(Project Heads
Giulini, Domenico
Lämmerzahl, Claus
Relativistic orbit modeling of satellite constellations
(Project Heads
Hackmann, Eva
Lämmerzahl, Claus
Müller, Jürgen
SFB 1128: Relativistic Geodesy and Gravimetry with Quantum Sensors - Modelling, Geo-Metrology and Future Technology (geo-Q)
Müller, Jürgen
Current projects
Gravity Wave Genesis, Break-up and Dissipation
(Project Heads
Avila Canellas, Marc
Mellado, Juan Pedro
Rademacher, Jens
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1375: Nonmetallic Porous Structures for Physical-Chemical Functions
Grathwohl, Georg
GRK 1620: Models of Gravity
Kunz-Drolshagen, Jutta
Lämmerzahl, Claus
GRK 1860: Micro-, Meso- and Macroporous Nonmetallic Materials: Fundamentals and Applications
Rezwan, Kurosch
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 201: QUEST - Centre for Quantum Engineering and Space-Time Research
Ertmer, Wolfgang
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2123: QuantumFrontiers - Light and Matter at the Quantum Frontier
Ospelkaus, Silke
Schmidt, Piet Oliver
Waag, Andreas
Additional Information
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