Universität Bayreuth
Institut für Afrika-Studien (IAS)
95440 Bayreuth
This institution in GERiT
95440 Bayreuth
Research Grants
Current projects
Beyond Darkness. Representation and Explication of Violence in Congolese Literature after 1960
Gehrmann, Susanne
Guthmüller, Marie
Cyrenaica Contested: Politics, Identity and Justice in Times of Turmoil
Hüsken, Thomas
Obeidi, Amal
Completed projects
Political Orders in the Making: a comparative study of emerging forms of political organisation from Libya to Northern Mali
Hüsken, Thomas
Klute, Georg
Western African Marabouts in the Netherlands: Constructions of Religious Practices in Skeptical Life Worlds
Gemmeke, Amber
Research data and software
Completed projects
Archiv- und Informationssysteme DEVA - Digitalisierung, elektronische Edition und Verfügbarmachung von Daten der Afrikawissenschaften
CRC/Cultural Studies Research Centres
Completed projects
Vitality - Convergence - Differentiation: On Global Languages in Africa and their Adaption to Local Contact Languages in the Context of Historical and Contemporary Migration
(Project Heads
Owens, Jonathan
von Roncador, Manfred
Sokol, Monika
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 144: Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies (BIGSAS)
Drescher, Martina
Ibriszimow, Dymitr
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2052: Africa Multiple: Reconfiguring African Studies
Fendler, Ute
Seesemann, Rüdiger