Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS)
Ruth-Moufang-Straße 1
60438 Frankfurt am Main
This institution in GERiT
60438 Frankfurt am Main
Research Grants
Current projects
Exploring the QCD phase transition in relativistic heavy-ion collisions with fluctuations of conserved charges and machine learning
Blume, Christoph
Elfner, Hannah
Investigation of compact stars with heavy baryons and quarks: third period
Sedrakian, Armen
Completed projects
3D imaging at THz frequencies based on 2D fundamental and sub-harmonic heterodyne detection of the spatial Fourier spectrum
Roskos, Hartmut G.
A combined modeling framework to break the lethal alliance between influenza and bacterial coinfections
Bruder, Dunja
Matthäus, Franziska
Chirale Beschreibung hadronischer Materie
Greiner, Walter
Coherent electromagnetic radiation from ultra-relativistic particles traversing periodically bent structures
Greiner, Walter
Deep learning-based parameter estimation of high spatial resolution mathematical models for the spread and control of COVID-19 in Germany
Pipa, Gordon
Evaporation of microscopic black holes
Nicolini, Piero
Fading memory in the visual cortex of awake monkeys
Nikolic, Danko
Gaze-contingent learning of infants
Knopf, Monika
Triesch, Jochen
Investigation of compact stars with heavy baryons and quarks: second period
Sedrakian, Armen
Kohärente Farbfelder und ihre Effekte in hochangeregter Kernmaterie
Greiner, Walter
Paarkorrelationen und Kondensate in Nuklearen Systemen
Sedrakian, Armen
Produktion und Dynamik von Hadronen mit Charm-Quarks
Stöcker, Horst
Statistische Beschreibung der Hadronisierung schwerer Quarks am RHIC und LHC
Stöcker, Horst
Studies of pairing and condensates in nuclear and related systems
Sedrakian, Armen
The functional role of gamma oscillations for cortical computations explored through massive parallel recordings
Nikolic, Danko
Theoretische Aspekte von Schwerionenstößen
Greiner, Walter
Theoretische Aspekte von Schwerionenstößen
Groß, Dieter H.E.
Thermal evolution of compact stars in the Standard Model and beyond
Sedrakian, Armen
Transport Theory of Heavy Ion Collisions
Stöcker, Horst
Priority Programmes
Current projects
A cortico-collicular network for hearing and noise avoidance responses in bats
Hechavarria, Julio
Triesch, Jochen
Coordination Funds
Triesch, Jochen
SPP 2041: Computational Connectomics
Triesch, Jochen
The dynamic connectome: dynamics of learning
Kaschube, Matthias
Rumpel, Simon
Triesch, Jochen
Completed projects
Algorithm Engineering für große Graphen und Speicherhierarchien
Meyer, Ulrich
Sanders, Peter
Algorithms for Modern Hardware: Flash Memory
Meyer, Ulrich
Big-Data-DynAmO: Dynamic, Approximate, and Online Methods for Big Data
Meyer, Ulrich
Coordination Funds
Meyer, Ulrich
SPP 1736: Algorithms for Big Data
Meyer, Ulrich
Research Units
Current projects
Autonomous Learning of Object Representations
Triesch, Jochen
FOR 2975: Algorithms, Dynamics, and Information Flow in Networks
Hoefer, Martin
FOR 5368: KI-FOR Abstract Representations in Neural Architectures (ARENA)
Fiebach, Christian
Large-Scale Randomization and Certification
Meyer, Ulrich
Navigating Knowledge Spaces Using Cognitive Maps
Kaschube, Matthias
Completed projects
Regulation of cell contacts and cell shape during mouth formation in Caenorhabditis elegans
Kaschube, Matthias
Pohl, Christian
Systemic risk and financial contagion
Meyer, Ulrich
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
SFB 1507: Protein Assemblies and Machineries in Cell Membranes
Tampé, Robert
Completed projects
Modell der Ontogenese visueller Gestaltbildungsmechanismen
(Project Head
von der Malsburg, Christoph
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Current projects
Collective dynamics in nuclear collisions
(Project Heads
Borghini, Nicolas
Elfner, Hannah
Greiner, Carsten
Schlichting, Sören
Software Development Center
(Project Heads
Elfner, Hannah
Karsch, Frithjof
Laermann, Edwin
Schmidt, Christian
(Project Heads
Elfner, Hannah
Rezzolla, Luciano
Rischke, Dirk H.
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2566: Interfacing image analysis and molecular life-science (Imol)
Frangakis, Achilleas
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
PUNCH4NFDI - Particles, Universe, NuClei and Hadrons for the NFDI
Schörner, Thomas
Ernst Strüngmann Forum