Universität Wien
Institut für Analytische Chemie
Währinger Straße 38
1090 Wien
1090 Wien
Research Grants
Current projects
Eicosapentaenoic acid improves outcome in acute myocardial infarction
Polzin, Amin
The lipid crosstalk between platelets and neutrophils and its modulating effect on thrombo-inflammation
Münzer, Patrick
Completed projects
Analysis and therapeutic targeting of the metabolic and proliferative tumor heterogeneity in malignant melanoma
Roesch, Alexander
Feedback Loops of Adipogenesis Targeted (FAT) a multi-omics approach to decipher PPARG regulators
Ahrends, Ph.D., Robert
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Determination of Protein copy number, slow feedback loops, and protein-protein interaction in the store operated calcium signalling network
Ahrends, Ph.D., Robert
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Dyslipidemia reduces platelet membrane fluidity and increases platelet reactivity
Benkhoff, Marcel
Completed projects
Platelet Proteomics Platform (PPP): combining proteomics, phosphoproteomics, lipidomics and bioinformatics
(Project Heads
Ahrends, Ph.D., Robert
Dandekar, Thomas
Lämmerhofer, Michael
Sickmann, Albert