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Universität Wien
Fakultät für Physik
Boltzmanngasse 5
1090 Wien
1090 Wien
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Venia Legendi: Theoretische Physik
Likos, Christos N.
Research Grants
Current projects
Ice nucleation activity of alkali feldspar in aerosol
Kiselev, Alexei
Propagating Low-Energy 4f Paramagnons
Demokritov, Ph.D., Sergej O.
Completed projects
Azaacene-based Surfactants for the Preparation of Nanocarbon Blends for Large-area Electronics (NanoBlends)
Mateo-Alonso, Aurelio
Combined Active Remote Sensing and Modeling of Ice Nucleating Particles and Ice Crystal Flux (COARSEMIX)
Ansmann, Albert
Tegen, Ina
Complexation behavior between polyelectrolyte stars and charged colloids
Ballauff, Matthias
Likos, Christos N.
Dendrimeren als Modellsysteme für Kolloide mit weicher Abstoßung
Likos, Christos N.
Dendrimers as model colloids for particles with soft repulsion
Ballauff, Matthias
Diffusion-diffusive phase transformations in alkali feldspar
Divinski, Sergiy
Field supported in-situ growth and transport properties of functionalised carbon nanotubes
Pichler, Thomas
Flavour and CP physics in supersymmetric theories
Porod, Werner R.
Fluxon manipulation by nanoscale artifcial pinning lattices in cuprate superconductors
Kölle, Dieter
Functional layers of nanometer-thick YIG films and microstructured surfaces for spintronic applications
Chumak, Andrij
Dubs, Carsten
Hillebrands, Burkard
Innovative synthesis routes towards hierarchically organized nanostructured materials combined with in-situ SAXS characterization techniques
Hüsing, Nicola
Ladungstransfer in dotierten Nanoröhren
Pichler, Thomas
Linear and nonlinear magnonic crystals
Serha, Oleksandr
Low Noise Crystalline Mirrors for Precision Metrology
Peters, Ph.D., Achim
Weyers, Markus
Magnon Spin Hall Effect
Chumak, Andrij
Self-Assembly of DNA Dendrimers in the Bulk and at Interfaces
Jonas, Ulrich
Stiakakis, Ph.D., Emmanuel
Structural inhomogeneities in bulk metallic glasses
Pauly, Simon
Systematic study on the influence of chemical reactions towards understanding root growth of single wall carbon nanotubes
Pichler, Thomas
Transmissions-Elektronen-Mikroskopie an gamma`-Materialien
Nembach, Eckhard
Research Units
Completed projects
Airborne in situ and remote sensing studies on the vertical and areal distribution of microphysical and optical properties of Saharan dust
Weinzierl, Bernadett
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie Gravitationstheorien in zwei Dimensionen
Böhmer, Christian Gerhard
Investigation of algebraic properties of gauge field theories on noncommutative spaces
Schraml, Stefan
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Adhesion farces between rough silica particles under humid conditions
Peterlik, Herwig
Wendland, Martin
Completed projects
Phase Transitions of Two-Dimensional Paramagnetic Colloids in Extrernal Fields
(Project Heads
Likos, Christos N.
Löwen, Hartmut
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Confined carbyne for optoelectronics and optomechanics
Heeg, Sebastian
Additional Information
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