European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
1211 Genf 23
1211 Genf 23
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Theoretische Physik
Hurth, Tobias
Research Grants
Completed projects
Fundamental investigations in the field of plasma physics on the ion production in sources of negative hydrogen ions for particle accelerators
Briefi, Stefan
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Unraveling the D**
Prim, Ph.D., Markus
Scientific Networks
Completed projects
Uncertainty quantification techniques and stochastic models for superconducting radio frequency cavities
van Rienen, Ursula
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
PUNCH4NFDI - Particles, Universe, NuClei and Hadrons for the NFDI
Schörner, Thomas
CERN dep TH, 1211 Genf 23, Schweiz
CERN Scientific Information Service
Theory Division