Universitätsklinikum Erlangen AöR
Molekular-Neurologische Abteilung
Schwabachanlage 6
91054 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91054 Erlangen
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Konfokales Laserscanning-Mikroskop
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
The monocytic and microglial transcriptome profile in Parkinson disease
Schlachetzki, Johannes
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Investigation of Postural Control using Sensomotorically Extended Musculoskeletal Human Models
(Project Heads
Eskofier, Bjoern
Klucken, Jochen
Miehling, Jörg
Wartzack, Sandro
Winkler, Jürgen
Sensor-based Movement and Sleep Analysis in Parkinson’s Disease
(Project Heads
Eskofier, Bjoern
Klucken, Jochen
Winkler, Jürgen
Visualization of Motion Sequences Based on a Biomechanical Model
(Project Heads
Klucken, Jochen
Stamminger, Marc
Winkler, Jürgen
Completed projects
The role of lysosomal cathepsins in α-synuclein metabolism and Parkinson’s disease
(Project Head
Zunke, Friederike
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Defining the contribution of macrophage subsets to myelination of the central nervous system
Hoffmann, Alana
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
KFO 5024: Immune checkpoints of gut to brain communication in inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases (GB.Com)
Winner, Beate
Molecular mechanisms contributing to intestinal α-synuclein aggregation and pathology in Parkinson´s Disease
López Posadas, Ph.D., Rocío
Zunke, Friederike
Role of dysbiotic microbiota for immune cell neuronal communication in the pathogenesis of Parkinson disease
Winkler, Jürgen
Wirtz, Stefan
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5534: Fast Mapping of Quantitative MR-biosignatures at Ultra-high Magnetic Field
Nagel, Ph.D., Armin
Ultra-high field (UHF) MRI brain biosignatures in the differential diagnosis between Parkinson's disease and atypical Parkinson disorders
Dörfler, Arnd
Winkler, Jürgen
Research Grants
Current projects
Mobility in atypical parkinsonism: a randomized trial of physiotherapy
Eskofier, Bjoern
Gaßner, Heiko
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2162: Neurodevelopment and Vulnerability of the Central Nervous System
Lie, Dieter Chichung