Technische Universität Berlin
Institut für Optik und Atomare Physik (IOAP)
Arbeitsgruppe Cluster und Nanokristalle
Hardenbergstraße 36
10623 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10623 Berlin
Research Units
Completed projects
Central project
Möller, Thomas
Electronic Structure and Excited State Dynamics of Pristine and Functionalized Nanodiamonds, Diamondoid Aggregates and Hybrids
Möller, Thomas
FOR 1282: Controlling the Electronic Structure of Semiconductor Nanoparticles by Doping and Hybrid Formation
Möller, Thomas
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Electronic structure and optical properties of transition metal doped silicon clusters on surfaces - Building blocks for cluster assembled materials
Lau, Tobias
Research Grants
Completed projects
Electronic structure and optical properties of transition metal doped silicon clusters on surfaces
Lau, Tobias
Energetik und Dynamik von Molekülen und Clustern induziert durch VUV-Laserimpulse hoher Intensität in Abhängigkeit von der lokalen Umgebung
Laarmann, Tim
Möller, Thomas
Ionization dynamics of helium clusters and droplets in intense short-wavelength light pulses
Möller, Thomas
Synthesis, electronic structure, and optical properties of diamond clusters - diamondoids
Möller, Thomas
Reinhart Koselleck Projects
Completed projects
Time resolved imaging of nanoscale dynamics of gas phase metal particles
von Issendorff, Bernd
Möller, Thomas
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Spektroskopie mit weicher Röntgenstrahlung an Clustern und Nanokristallen
(Project Heads
Möller, Thomas
Weller, Horst
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 463: Spectroscopy of Localized Atomic Systems. Fields and Localized Atoms ? Atoms and Localized Fields
Huber, Günter