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Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien (IWM)
Schleichstraße 6
72076 Tübingen
This institution in GERiT
72076 Tübingen
Research Grants
Current projects
Egocentric biases meet biased algorithms
Utz, Sonja
Factors influencing the cognitive processing of uncertain information in knowledge communication
Glaser, Manuela
Completed projects
A motivational approach to information exchange in groups
Sassenberg, Kai
Benefits of professional social media use
Utz, Sonja
Boundary conditions of the seductive details effect: An integrative analysis of cognitive and volitional processes.
Eitel, Alexander
Conveying conflicting scientific topics in exhibitions: Development and optimization of an exhibition prototype and a museum-related wiki
Lewalter, Doris
Schwan, Stephan
Do automatic validation and reactivation processes also take place when learning with text and pictures?
Schüler, Anne
Embodied Learning of Numerosity - Math with the Mat
Cress, Ulrike
Exploration of hypermedia environments: Learner-control and adaptive user strategies
Gerjets, Peter
Factors of Self-Creating Digital Concept Maps for Fostering Knowledge and Information Awareness and Problem-Solving Performance in Virtual Groups
Hesse, Friedrich Wilhelm
Flexible resource allocation and prediction in attentive tracking
Huff, Markus
Jahn, Georg
Influence of spoken text on cognitive processing of complex pictorial presentations
Glaser, Manuela
Influence of Task Switching on Number Processing
Möller, Korbinian
Kanonische Perspektiven bei Geschehensabläufen
Garsoffky, Bärbel
Learning from worked-out examples: Fostering the integration of multiple representations
Renkl, Alexander
Multimediales Lernen und die kognitiven Grundlagen des Modalitätseffekts
Gerjets, Peter
Rummer, Ralf
Scheiter, Katharina
Potentials of neurophysiological measures for research on instructional design: The case of decorative pictures.
Scharinger, Christian
Priming von kooperativem Verhalten
Utz, Sonja
Processing of Spatial Configurations in Visual Working Memory
Papenmeier, Frank
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Coordination within the Special Priority Programm `Net-based Knowledge Communication in Groups`.
Hesse, Friedrich Wilhelm
Knowledge-communication via shared databases.
Hesse, Friedrich Wilhelm
Reception and production of scientific information in Wikipedia: The influence of hindsight bias and social categorization
Nestler, Steffen
Oeberst, Aileen
SPP 1081: Netzbasierte Wissenskommunikation in Gruppen
Buder, Jürgen Axel
Hesse, Friedrich Wilhelm
Vermittlung konflikthafter naturwissenschaftlicher Sachverhalte in Museen und Ausstellungen: Die Rolle authentischer Objekte
Kampschulte, Lorenz
Schwan, Stephan
Research Units
Completed projects
Coordination and Integration within the Research Group "Orchestrating Computer-supported Processes of Learning and Instruction"
Hesse, Friedrich Wilhelm
Coordination of the research group "Analysis and Promotion of Effective Processes of Learning and Instruction
Hesse, Friedrich Wilhelm
Designing multimedia messages for classroom settings
Gerjets, Peter
FOR 738: Orchestrating Computer-supported Processes of Learning and Instruction
Hesse, Friedrich Wilhelm
Fostering deep understanding and skills acquisition by means of collaborative design tasks involving innovative digital video technologies in the classroom
Zahn, Carmen
Multimedia in the classroom: Implementation intentions to foster learning with dynamic visualizations
Scheiter, Katharina
Use of digital video: Learning strategies and media literarcy
Schwan, Stephan
Verkörperlichtes Lernen von Numerosität für den Transfer in die schulische Praxis - Mathe mit der Matte
Cress, Ulrike
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 443: Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Exchange with New Media
Hesse, Friedrich Wilhelm
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 1028: Learning, Educational Achievement and Life Course Development: An Integrated Research and Training Programme
Trautwein, Ulrich
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2064: Machine Learning: New Perspectives for Science
Berens, Philipp
von Luxburg, Ulrike
Forschungsbereich Soziale Nutzung von Wissensmedien
Arbeitsgruppe Alltagsmedien
Arbeitsgruppe Soziale Prozesse
Arbeitsgruppe Wissenskonstruktion
Forschungsgruppe Multimodale Interaktion
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