Technische Universität München
TUM School of Life Sciences
Lehrstuhl für Systembiologie der Pflanzen
Emil-Ramann-Straße 8
85354 Freising
This institution in GERiT
85354 Freising
Research Grants
Current projects
Biochemical and physiological characterization of PIN-FORMED auxin efflux carriers
Hammes, Ulrich
Cellular modes of action of KIPK family kinases, new regulators of negative gravitropism and seedling soil penetration
Schwechheimer, Claus
Evolution of B-GATA transcription factors in land plants
Schwechheimer, Claus
Identification and characterization of domains regulating auxin transport activity in PIN-FORMED proteins.
Hammes, Ulrich
Completed projects
Characterization of the gibberelic acid (GA) signaling proteins and identification of novel GA signaling components from Arabidopsis
Schwechheimer, Claus
Control of plant exocyst function by protein phosphorylation in root hairs and pollen tubes - regulation of tip growth through AGC1 kinases and exocyst phosphoregulation
Schwechheimer, Claus
Development and maintenance of terminal sink tissues with an emphasis on nematode-induced feeding sites
Hammes, Ulrich
Genetische und biochemische Analyse der Interaktionspartner der D6 PROTEINKINASE (D6PK).
Schwechheimer, Claus
Identification and characterization of protein degradation substrates and their receptors
Schwechheimer, Claus
Identification of direct target genes of the Arabidopsis DELLA proteins RGA and GAI using the ChIP-chip technology
Gatz, Christiane
MAP kinase regulation of PIN-FORMED auxin transporters
Schwechheimer, Claus
Regulation der Gibberellinsäure-Antwort durch GAI-interagierende Proteinkinasen
Schwechheimer, Claus
Regulatory functions of LLM-domain B-GATA transcription factors in essential plant growth processes.
Schwechheimer, Claus
Structure-function analysis of the auxin transport regulatory D6 PROTEIN KINASE in Arabidopsis thaliana
Schwechheimer, Claus
Vascularization and loading of amino acids into nematode-induced feeding sites
Hammes, Ulrich
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Evolution of novel RHO OF PLANTS signalling activators during the adaptation from water to land.
Denninger, Philipp
Completed projects
Entwicklung und Versorgung terminaler Sinks unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Nematoden-induzierter Fütterungsstrukturen
Hammes, Ulrich
Evolution of AGC1 kinase-mediated polarity modules in early land plant development
Schwechheimer, Claus
Identification and characterization of NEDD8-modified proteins from plants
Schwechheimer, Claus
Identifikation, Charakterisierung und funktionale Analyse von Transportproteinen in durch Nematoden induzierten Riesenzellen in Wurzeln von Arabidopsis thaliana
Hammes, Ulrich
Temperature-dependent control of flowering by the gibberellin pathway and interactions between DELLA proteins and APETALA1/VRN1 MADS-box factors.
Schwechheimer, Claus
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Amino acid translocation to sink tissues and in organismic interactions
(Project Head
Hammes, Ulrich
Central tasks
(Project Head
Schwechheimer, Claus
Characterization of gibberellin-regulated gene expression networks during abiotic stress response
(Project Head
Schwechheimer, Claus
Die Rolle des COP9 Signalosoms und des Proteinabbaus bei der pflanzlichen Entwicklung
(Project Head
Schwechheimer, Claus
Global and targeted proteomics in plants
(Project Heads
Küster, Bernhard
Schwechheimer, Claus
RhoGTPase signalling in double fertilisation in Arabidopsis and maize
(Project Head
Denninger, Philipp
SFB 924: Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Yield and Yield Stability in Plants
Schwechheimer, Claus
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Imaging Facility for Fluorescence Microscopy