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Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde (IfL)
Schongauerstraße 9
04328 Leipzig
This institution in GERiT
04328 Leipzig
Research Grants
Current projects
Beyond ‘Left Behind’ Places: Understanding Demographic and Socio-economic Change in Peripheral Regions in France, Germany and the UK
Leibert, Tim
Metropolitan regions as hybrid spaces: New socio-spatial inequalities through digitalization? A longitudinal analysis using the example of housing search processes in the Halle-Leipzig region
Wiest, Karin
Completed projects
Der Bedeutungswandel des gesamtrussischen Städtesystems Rußlands nach dem Zerfall der Sowjetunion
Brade, Isolde
Europäisches & Afrikanisches Raumwissen: Afrikakartographie, 1850-1914
Wardenga, Ute
(In-)Security issues at the Schengen border. Security practices of state and non-state actors at the German-Polish border
Beurskens, Kristine
Miggelbrink, Judith
Locally stranded, globally anchored? Dealing with diversity on the margins of the post-migrant city. A comparative study in Leipzig and Munich
Wiest, Karin
Lokale Vernetzungen in Kleinstädten des östlichen Europas
Burdack, Joachim
Räumliche Entwicklungstendenzen der Peripherie europäischer Großstädte
Burdack, Joachim
Region making as strategy of locations: About the production and reproduction of spatial abstracts
Tzschaschel, Sabine
Segregation and gentrification in the "shrinking city". A longitudinal section study in old building areas in the inner city of leipzig
Wiest, Karin
Social change and the development of neighborhoods: A demand-oriented decision-making aid for stakeholders in the housing sector
Danielzyk, Rainer
Lentz, Sebastian
Wiegandt, Claus-Christian
Sozial-ökonomischer Wandel und Persistenz im Prozeß der Transformation in den Grenzregionen Ostmitteleuropas zwischen Polen und seinen östlichen Nachbarn
Grimm, Frank-Dieter
Travelling Imaginations – Perception, adaptation and popularisation of Halford J. Mackinder’s Heartland theory
Krause, Oliver
Wohnstandortentscheidungen in polyzentrischen Stadtregionen
Danielzyk, Rainer
Lentz, Sebastian
Wiegandt, Claus-Christian
Zwischen Gentrification und Abwärtsspirale: Sozialräumlicher Wandel und Persistenzen in Wohnquartieren ausgewählter Stadtregionen des mittleren und östlichen Europa
Brade, Isolde
Acquisition and Provision
Completed projects
Ankauf der Gelehrtenbibliothek Hanno Beck
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Innovative Technology Enterprises in Unlikely Places in Central Asia and Africa
(Project Head
Lang, Thilo
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Engel, Ulf
Wardenga, Ute
Zinecker, Heidrun
Maps and Atlases as Mediators and Producers of Spatial Knowledge under the Global Condition
(Project Heads
Lentz, Sebastian
Moser, Jana
Power Technologies Productions of Space: Saami Territoriality and Indigenity
(Project Head
Miggelbrink, Judith
Regionalisierung und Identifikationsprozesse im Tourismus
(Project Heads
Tzschaschel, Sabine
Wardenga, Ute
SFB 586: Difference and Integration - Interacation between Nomadic and Sedentary Peoples in Civilizations of the Old World's Arid Zone
Gertel, Jörg
SFB 1199: Processes of Spatialization under the Global Condition
Middell, Matthias
Spatial Semantics of Geography in the 19th and 20th Centuries
(Project Head
Wardenga, Ute
Scientific Networks
Completed projects
Visualising qualitative geographies: Advancing qualitative geographical research through visual representation
Beurskens, Kristine
Research data and software
Completed projects
Tambora - the climate and environmental history collaborative research database
Beck, Astrid
Glaser, Rüdiger
Kellersohn, Antje
Lentz, Sebastian
Cataloguing and Digitisation
Completed projects
Views of the World. Digitisation and cataloging of photographic archives of important explorers
Bürger, Thomas
Lupfer, Gilbert
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1261: The Critical Junctures of Globalisation
Engel, Ulf
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Completed projects
application for continuation: sub\urban. journal for critical urban studies
Michel, Boris
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI4Biodiversity – Biodiversity, Ecology & Environmental Data
Glöckner, Frank Oliver
Abteilung Theorie, Methodik und Geschichte der Geographie
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