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Moses Mendelssohn Zentrum für europäisch-jüdische Studien e. V.
an der Universität Potsdam
Am Neuen Markt 8
14467 Potsdam
This institution in GERiT
14467 Potsdam
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Bekehrungseifer, Judenangst und Handelsinteresse. Amsterdam, Hamburg und London als Ziele sefardischer Migration im 17. Jahrhundert
Wallenborn, Hiltrud
Hermann Cohen. Werke. Band 17. Kleinere Schriften VI
Schoeps, Julius H.
Hermann Cohen Werke - Bd. 2 Die Hermann-Cohen-Bibliothek
Schoeps, Julius H.
Research Grants
Current projects
Dovid Eynhorn "Between Worlds": A Transnational History of Yiddishspeaking Intellectuals
Wierzcholska, Agnieszka
Completed projects
Georg Simmels Geschlechtertheorien im Fin de Siècle Berlin
Schoeps, Julius H.
Historisch-kritische Edition von Hermann Cohens "Religion der Vernunft aus den Quellen des Judentums" und sämtlicher kleinerer Schriften in chronologischer Anordnung mit Kommentar und Varianten der Druckfassungen
Schoeps, Julius H.
Lotte Cohn (1893-1983) und die Anfänge deutsch-jüdischer Architektur- und Siedlungskonzeptionen in Palästina / Israel
Sonder, Ines
RASSCO. The Development of public housing in Israel. German-Israeli institutionality in the wake of The Haavara Treaty and the Wiedergutmachung (1933 to 1973).
Sonder, Ines
Trezib, Joachim
The Female View on Building the Land of Israel Architecture, Zionism and Aliyah in the Writings by a Pioneer Woman Architect
Sonder, Ines
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Completed projects
Key-Documents of German-Jewish History from Early Modern Times to the Present Age. Creation of a user-friendly Online-Platform on Jewish History
Rürup, Miriam
"Key-Documents of German-Jewish History from Early Modern Times to the Present Age. Creation of a user-friendly Online-Platform on Jewish History"
Rürup, Miriam
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Jewish Film Heritage
Ludewig, Anna-Dorothea
Schneider, Ulrike
Wohl von Haselberg, Lea
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 707: Makom. Place and Places in Judaism. The Meaning and Construction of Place References in European Judaism from the Enlightenment to the Present
Schoeps, Julius H.
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI4Memory - The Consortium for the Historically Oriented Humanities
Paulmann, Johannes
Additional Information
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