Kiel Institut für Weltwirtschaft (IfW Kiel)
Kiellinie 66
24105 Kiel
This institution in GERiT
24105 Kiel
Research Grants
Completed projects
Climate Change and International Trade: Towards a Causal Analysis of Carbon Leakage
Felbermayr, Ph.D., Gabriel
Domestic Preferences and EU Cooperation. Explaining Foreign Policies in Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova: A Two-Level-Game Analysis
Gawrich, Andrea
International Market Interactions, Institutions, and the Costs of Natural Disasters (InterCOND)
Gröschl, Jasmin
Net Social Benefits of Carbon Dioxide Removal: Carbon Cycle Feedbacks and Strategic Advantages (CDRecon)
Rickels, Wilfried
The aggregated agricultural supply response in sub-saharan Afrika
Langhammer, Rolf J.
The economic integration of expellees and their effects on the West Germany economy, 1945-70
Braun, Sebastian
Trend Productivity Growth and Labor Market Frictions in a New Keynesian Business Cycle Model
Snower, Ph.D., Dennis
Research data and software
Completed projects
Entwicklung eines Kommunikations- und Publikationsnetzwerkes für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Completed projects
Product market competition and wage formation
(Project Heads
Eckel, Carsten
Felbermayr, Ph.D., Gabriel
Flach, Lisandra
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Informal Dynamics of Agile Firm Organisation in the Greater Pearl River Delta
Kraas, Frauke
Revilla Diez, Javier
Soltwedel, Rüdiger
LEarning About Cloud modification under risk and uncertainty: Investigation of feasibility, traceability, Incentives and de-centralised governance of limited-area climate mitigation (LEAC - II)
Quaas, Johannes
Quaas, Martin F.
Regional agility in the wake of crisis: Towards a new growth model in the Greater Pearl River Delta?
Dohse, Dirk
Kraas, Frauke
Liefner, Ingo
Revilla Diez, Javier
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2501: Translational Evolutionary Research
Schulenburg, Hinrich
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 80: The Future Ocean
Visbeck, Martin
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2167: Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation (PMI)
Niemann, Stefan
Riemekasten, Gabriela
Schreiber, Stefan
Forschungsbereich "Internationale Arbeitsteilung"
Forschungsbereich "Internationale Entwicklung"
Forschungsbereich "Internationale Finanzmärkte und Global Governance"
Forschungsbereich "Makroökonomische Politik in unvollkommenen Märkten"
Forschungsbereich "Sozial- und verhaltensökonomische Ansätze zur Lösung globaler Probleme"
Forschungsbereich "Umwelt und natürliche Ressourcen"
Forschungsbereich "Wissensakkumulation und Wachstum"
Forschungsbereich Globale Kooperation und gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt
Service Unit Forschungskoordination und Transfer