Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)
Standort Berlin-Adlershof
Rutherfordstraße 2
12489 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
12489 Berlin
Priority Programmes
Current projects
The Influence of Strong Stellar Particle Events and Galactic Cosmic Rays on Exoplanetary Atmospheres (INCREASE)
Grenfell, John Lee
Herbst, Ph.D., Konstantin
Sinnhuber, Miriam
Completed projects
Composition of planets with an N-body-Monte-Carlo approach
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
Crystallizing the terrestrial magma ocean: thermo- and geodynamics
Steinle-Neumann, Gerd
Tosi, Nicola
Pebble accretion and the composition of exoplanets
Birnstiel, Tilman
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
The Influence of Atmosphere-Biology-Geology during the Great Oxidation Event
Grenfell, John Lee
Research Grants
Current projects
Compositional heterogeneities in the outer ice shell of Europa – a scale-coupled computational study
Kowalski, Julia
Plesa, Ana-Catalina
Thermal Evolution and Magmatic History of Venus
Klemme, Ph.D., Stephan
Plesa, Ana-Catalina
Thermal Evolution and Tidal Deformation of the Moon
Oberst, Jürgen
Plesa, Ana-Catalina
Completed projects
Dynamical and chemical evolution of Mars- and Venus-like Planets
Ruedas, Thomas
Hochempfindliche Incoherent Broad-Band Cavity-Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy (IBBCEAS) mit Anwendung auf Gase, Flüssigkeiten und dünne Schichten
Hese, Achim
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Active Blade Tone Control in Axial Turbomachines by Flow Induced Secondary Sources in he Blade Tip Regime
(Project Heads
Engelhardt, Lars
Möser, Michael
Neise, Wolfgang
Numerical Simulation of the Active Blade-Tone Control in Axial Turbomaschines by Flow Injection
(Project Heads
Michel, Ulf
Thiele, Frank
Querangeströmte Rillenoberflächen für hohe Druckgradienten in Strömungsmaschinen
(Project Heads
Bechert, Dietrich Wolfgang
Meyer, Robert
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
SFB 557: Control of Complex Turbulent Shear Flows
King, Rudibert
Turbulenzbeeinflussung an Tragflügeln mit abgeknickten Hinterkanten
(Project Heads
Bechert, Dietrich Wolfgang
Michel, Ulf
Verbesserung von Betriebsverhalten und Spitzenwirbellärm axialer Strömungsmaschinen durch aktive Beeinflussung der Kopfspaltströmung
(Project Head
Neise, Wolfgang
Completed projects
TRR 170: Late Accretion onto Terrestrial Planets
Becker, Harry
Hiesinger, Harald
Kleine, Thorsten