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Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Genetik (MPIMG)
Ihnestraße 63-73
14195 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
14195 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Elucidate the functions of the BET bromodomain protein BRD4 in co-transcriptional splicing
Mayer, Andreas
Mechanisms of transcription elongation control by the biomolecular condensate forming BET family protein BRD4
Mayer, Andreas
Reversibility of SCA2/ALS13: Contribution of cell types, in conditional mice
Auburger, Georg
Completed projects
Alu-bindende Proteine in der Kontrolle der Genexpression
Schweiger, Manfred
Datenintegration, Pathwayanalyse und Modellierung
Herwig, Ralf
Development of a software for the integrative analysis of DNA copy number changes
Ullmann, Reinhard
Die Wirkung von Ataxin-2-Defizienz bzw. -Überexpression auf mRNA-3'-Prozessierung und stress granules in Hefe, Maus und Mensch
Auburger, Georg
Krobitsch, Sylvia
Differentielle Genexpression in Zellen des Synovialgewebes bei entzündlichen und nichtentzündlichen Gelenkerkrankungen
Häupl, Thomas
Reisig, Wolfgang
DNA-Substraterkennung durch Typ-III-Restriktionsendonukleasen
Krüger, Detlev H.
Entwicklung einer Diagnostik für die Kristallisation biologischer Makromoleküle
Saenger, Wolfram
Genetic and molecular dissection of signalling pathways causing non-mendelian inheritance in the mouse
Herrmann, Bernhard G.
Long-read sequencing of SF3B1 mutated and wildtype chronic lymphocytic leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome to identify mechanisms of genomic instability and therapy resistance and their impact on prognosis.
Beyer, Andreas
Herwig, Ralf
Schweiger, Michal-Ruth
Rechnergestützte phylogenetische Analyse großer genomischer Abschnitte
Vingron, Martin
Regulation des Transkriptionsfaktors Yin Yang 1 durch Modifikation mit Poly(ADR-Ribose)
Schweiger, Manfred
Role and regulation of convergent antisense transcription by RNA polymerase II
Mayer, Andreas
Structural and biochemical analyses of the disproportionating isozyme 2 (DPE2)
Mielke, Thorsten
Spahn, Christian M. T.
Structure of the DnaA and its interaction with DNA
Messer, Walter
Strukturelle und funktionelle Untersuchungen des Escherichia coli Ribosoms bei "quasi atomarer" Auflösung
Brimacombe, Ph.D., Richard
The three-dimensional structure of the bacterial ribosome; the transition to atomic revolution
Brimacombe, Ph.D., Richard
Untersuchung der stammspezifischen Inaktivierung des G90-Gens
Fundele, Reinald H.
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Entwicklung von Algorithmen für den Vergleich und die Rekonstruktion der evolutionären Zusammenhänge von Gen- und Genomsequenzen
Vingron, Martin
X-chromosomal gekoppelte Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten: Molekulare Untersuchung durch Positionsklonierung
Ropers, Hans Hilger
Research Units
Completed projects
Bioinformatik und Modellierung
Herwig, Ralf
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Signaltransduction and microtubule organisation: Their role in der cell morphogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster
Lange, Bodo Markus Hans
Statistische Physik von Multiple-Alignment Algorithmen
Arndt, Peter
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
SFB 1678: Systems-level consequences of fidelity changes in mRNA and protein biosynthesis
Beyer, Andreas
Speed vs. fidelity: The role of nuclear RNA export under cellular stress
(Project Heads
Mayer, Andreas
Tresch, Achim
Completed projects
CD30 als therapeutische Zielstruktur: direkte Selektion humaner single-chain anti-CD30 Antikörper aus Immunglobulin-Genbibliotheken und Herstellung cytotoxischer T-Zellen für die Therapie von CD30-positiven Lymphomen
(Project Heads
Stein, Harald
Uchanska-Ziegler, Barbara
Walter, G.H.
Central Facility for Animal Model Generation and Characterization
(Project Heads
Mundlos, Stefan
Walther, Diego J.
Correlation between regulatory DNA sequences and gene expression data based on the comparative analysis of non-coding regions between human and mouse
(Project Heads
Sers, Christine
Vingron, Martin
Downstream Effects of MECP1 Mutations in Rett Syndrome and other Forms of X-linked Mental Retardation studied by cDNA Arrays
(Project Heads
Nuber, Ulrike
Ropers, Hans Hilger
Elektronenkristallographische Untersuchungen von licht-aktiviertem Rhodopsin
(Project Heads
Hofmann, Klaus Peter
Mielke, Thorsten
Functional Analysis of the MID1 gene product- a Key to an Understanding of the Clinical Variability of Opitz BBB/G Syndrome
(Project Head
Schweiger, Susann
Improving bone regeneration by modification of BMP-inhibition
(Project Heads
Mundlos, Stefan
Seemann, Petra
Mental retardation genes and their interaction
(Project Heads
Kalscheuer, Vera
Kuss, Andreas
Ropers, Hans Hilger
Molecular electron microscopy
(Project Heads
Mielke, Thorsten
Spahn, Christian M. T.
Molecular Pathology and Embryology of HOXD and BMP Related Limb Malformations
(Project Heads
Mundlos, Stefan
Seemann, Petra
Neuronale, zelluläre und molekulare Mechanismen der Gesangslernen im Vogelhirn
(Project Head
Scharff, Ph.D., Constance
Norrie disease (ND): Molecular Mechanisms of Pathogenesis and Modulation of Disease Serverity
(Project Head
Berger, Wolfgang
Protein Monoaminylation: Novel regulatory functions of monoaminergic hormones
(Project Head
Walther, Diego J.
SFB 515: Mechanisms of Developmental and Experience-Dependent Neural Plasticity
Menzel, Randolf
SFB 577: Molecular Basis of Clinical Variability in Mendelian Disorders
Mundlos, Stefan
SFB 618: Theoretical Biology: Robustness, Modularity and Evolutionary Design of Living Systems
Hammerstein, Peter
SFB 740: From Molecules to Modules: Organisation and Dynamics of Functional Units in Cells
Hofmann, Klaus Peter
Spahn, Christian M. T.
SFB 760: Biomechanics and Biology of Musculoskeletal Regeneration - From Functional Assessment to Guided Tissue Formation
Duda, Georg
Signalmechanismen bei der Segmentierung von Wirbeltieren
(Project Head
Herrmann, Bernhard G.
Completed projects
Outer membrane vesicles in SARS-CoV2-bacteria co-infection
(Project Heads
Marsico, Annalisa
Schmeck, Bernd
Vingron, Martin
Reinhart Koselleck Projects
Completed projects
3D Genome Architecture in Congenital Disease
Mundlos, Stefan
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2424: Computational Methods for Oncology: Towards Personalized Therapies in Cancer
Blüthgen, Nils
Completed projects
GRK 268: Dynamics and Evolution of Cellular and Macromolecular Systems
Heinrich, Reinhart
GRK 1772: Computational Systems Biology
Klipp, Edda
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1360: Genomics and Systems Biology of Molecular Networks
Klipp, Edda
GRK 1631: MyoGrad - International Research Training Group for Myology
Spuler, Simone
GRK 2403: Dissecting and Reengineering the Regulatory Genome
Ohler, Uwe
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 203: Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapies (BSRT)
Duda, Georg
GSC 1091: Berlin School of Integrative Oncology (BSIO)
Na, Il-Kang
Schmitt, Clemens A.
Abteilung Bioinformatik
Abteilung Entwicklungsgenetik
Abteilung Genomregulation
Abteilung Molekulare Humangenetik (aufgelöst)
Abteilung Wirbeltier Genomics (aufgelöst)
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