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Technische Universität München
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut
Arcisstraße 21
80333 München
This institution in GERiT
80333 München
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Multi-Satellite ionosphere-plasmasphere Electron density reconstruction (MuSE)
Gerzen, Tatjana
Completed projects
Combined Ocean Tide Analysis by GRACE and Altimetry data (COTAGA)
Bosch, Wolfgang
Flechtner, Frank
Mayer-Gürr, Torsten
Consistent estimation of water mass variations in different continental storage compartments by the com-bined inversion of a global hydrological model with time-variable gravity and complementary observation data
Güntner, Andreas
Schmidt, Michael
Development of High-precision Thermosphere Models for Improving Precise Orbit Determination of Low-Earth-Orbiting Satellites (TIPOD)
Hugentobler, Urs
Kusche, Jürgen
Schmidt, Michael
Stolle, Claudia
Interactions of low-orbiting satellites with the surrounding thermosphere and ionosphere
Borries, Claudia
Flury, Jakob
Pail, Roland
Schlicht, Anja
Schmidt, Michael
Program management and scientific networking
Bosch, Wolfgang
Kusche, Jürgen
Sea Surface Topography and Mass Transport of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
Bosch, Wolfgang
Rummel, Reiner
Scheinert, Mirko
Schröter, Jens
Separation of mass signals by common inversion of gravimetric and geometric observations
Drewes, Hermann
Research Grants
Current projects
Circulation from In-situ and Remote-sensing data in COastal and Shelf ocean (CIRCOS)
Dettmering, Denise
Passaro, Marcello
Enhanced geopotential field modelling as basis for the establishment of precise height systems (Geo-H)
Pail, Roland
Sanchez-Drewes, Laura
Schmidt, Michael
Exploitation of the Potential of the SLR-tracked altimetry and GNSS satellites for determination of global geodetic parameters (PotS)
Bloßfeld, Mathis
Rudenko, Sergiy
Improved Ionospheric Delay Correction for Satellite Altimetry (IDA)
Dettmering, Denise
Schmidt, Michael
ITRF4future - Innovative strategies for future ITRF solutions
Seitz, Manuela
Pro- and Retrospective highly accurate and consistent Earth Orientation parameters for Geodetic Research within the Earth System Sciences (PROGRESS)
Bloßfeld, Mathis
Dill, Robert
Hugentobler, Urs
Completed projects
Assessing the spatiotemporal dynamics of water volumes in large wetlands and lakes by combining remote sensing with macro-scale hydrological modelling (WLDYN)
Döll, Petra
Güntner, Andreas
Seitz, Florian
Berücksichtigung deformationsbedingter Sekundäreffekte bei der Modellierung der Erdrotation
Drewes, Hermann
Change of snow cover and its implications on arctic permafrost by using gravimtetric satellite data
Baumann, Sabine
Combination of geodetic space observations for estimating cryospheric mass changes and their impact on Earth rotation
Göttl, Franziska
Consistent Estimate of Ultra-High Resolution Earth Surface Gravity Data (UHR-GravDat)
Bouman, Johannes
Flechtner, Frank
Direct Geocentric Realisation of the American reference frame by combination of geodetic observation Techniques (DIGERATI)
Seitz, Florian
DORIS solutions improvement and combinations with other techniques of space geodesy
Hugentobler, Urs
Mitigation of the current errors in precise orbit determination of altimetry satellites (MEPODAS)
Dettmering, Denise
Rudenko, Sergiy
Multi-Skalen-Ionosphärenmodell aus der Kombination moderner Satellitenverfahren (MuSIK)
Hugentobler, Urs
Jakowski, Norbert
Schmidt, Michael
Optimally combined regional geoid models for the realization of height systems in de-veloping countries
Pail, Roland
Schmidt, Michael
Variations in ocean currents, sea ice concentration, and sea surface temperature along the North-East coast of Greenland (NEG-OCEAN)
Dettmering, Denise
Vertical Land Motion by satellite Altimetry and tide gauge Difference
Passaro, Marcello
Sanchez-Drewes, Laura
Research Units
Current projects
Advances in Remote sensing of Inland waters by Satellite Altimetry with special focus on SWOT (ARISAS)
Dettmering, Denise
ATMO-DEL: Determination of the atmospheric delay via line-of-sight modelling and measurements of the tropospheric composition and the ionospheric electron distribution.
Palm, Mathias
Combination of Space Geodetic Techniques with Clock Ties and Atmospheric Ties (COCAT)
Balidakis, Kyriakos
Schuh, Harald
FOR 2630: Understanding the global freshwater system by combining geodetic and remote sensing information with modelling using a calibration/data assimilation approach (GlobalCDA)
Kusche, Jürgen
FOR 2736: New Refined Observations of Climate Change from Spaceborne Gravity Missions (NEROGRAV)
Flechtner, Frank
FOR 5405: Magnetosphere, Ionosphere, Plasmasphere and Thermosphere as a coupled system (MIPT)
Shprits, Ph.D., Yuri
FOR 5456: Clock Metrology: A Novel Approach to TIME in Geodesy
Schreiber, Ulrich
Improved Tidal Dynamics and Uncertainty Estimation for Satellite Gravimetry (TIDUS-2)
Dettmering, Denise
Thomas, Maik
Modeling and forecasting of the electron density distribution within the ionosphere
Borries, Claudia
Gerzen, Tatjana
Schmidt, Michael
Novel clock technologies for combination on ground and in space: real data and simulation
Glaser, Susanne
Seitz, Manuela
The application of time in closure as a novel strategy towards error-free space geodetic observations
Bloßfeld, Mathis
Completed projects
Combined analysis and validation of Earth rotation models and observations
Kutterer, Hansjörg
Schmidt, Michael
Seitz, Florian
Consistent celestial and terrestrial reference frames by improved modelling and combination
Angermann, Detlef
Thaller, Daniela
Consistent dynamic satellite reference frames and terres-trial geodetic datum parameters
Hugentobler, Urs
Seitz, Manuela
Integration of Earth rotation, geometry and gravity field using space geodetic observations
Angermann, Detlef
Rothacher, Markus
Additional Information
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