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Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Zentrum für Astronomie
Landessternwarte Königstuhl (LSW)
Königstuhl 12
69117 Heidelberg
This institution in GERiT
69117 Heidelberg
Research Grants
Current projects
Galactic Archaeology with Convolutional Neural-Networks: Realising the potential of Gaia and 4MOST
Guiglion, Ph.D., Guillaume
Nearby Stars
Reffert, Sabine
The old Milky Way: a holistic approach for the accurate analysis of metal-poor stars
Christlieb, Norbert
Completed projects
Abundance analysis of the most metal-poor stars
Christlieb, Norbert
Analysing the chemical fingerprints left by the first stars: chemical abundances in the oldest stars
Chiappini Moraes Leite, Cristina
An Observing Campaign at Calar Alto to Search for Short Period Planets around Evolved Stars
Reffert, Sabine
Be-Doppelsterne mit heißen, kompakten Begleitern
Appenzeller, Immo
Der Jet von MWC 560
Wolf, Bernhard
Eine systematische Suche nach Population III-Sternen
Reimers, Dieter
Ein mehrdimensionales implizites numerisches Verfahren zur Modellierung relativistischer und radiativer MHD Strömungen in der Astrophysik
Rannacher, Rolf
Frühe B-Hypergiganten der Großen Magellanschen Wolke
Wolf, Bernhard
NAIR - Novel Astronomical Instrumentation based on Photonic Light Reformatting
Labadie, Lucas
Madhav, Ph.D., Kalaga
Quirrenbach, Andreas
NIR-photometry of BL Lac objects from the 2BL sample
Heidt, Jochen
Polarimetric Monitoring of Blazars at SPM
Heidt, Jochen
Polarimetry of optically selected BL Lac candidates from the SDSS
Heidt, Jochen
Suche nach substellaren Begleitern in Riesensternen mittels genauer Radialgeschwindigkeiten
Reffert, Sabine
The cluster environment of GPS and CSS radio sources
Heidt, Jochen
Variationen des Balmersprungs und der Linienprofile in Be-Sternen
Wolf, Bernhard
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Short- and Long-Period Planets around Evolved Stars
Quirrenbach, Andreas
Reffert, Sabine
The HET Radial Velocity Program for Planetary Systems around M Dwarfs
Dreizler, Stefan
Henning, Thomas
Quirrenbach, Andreas
Reiners, Ansgar
Completed projects
Characterizing and Understanding the Planet Population around Intermediate Mass Stars
Reffert, Sabine
Emission magnetisierter Akkretion und Winde von T-Tauri-Sternen
Camenzind, Max
Erzeugung, Kollimation und Stabilität protostellarer Jets
Camenzind, Max
Extrasolare Planeten: Räumlich aufgelöste Untersuchungen junger Gasplaneten und brauner Zwerge um T Tauri-Sterne
Zinnecker, Hans
Extrasolare Planeten: Räumlich aufgelöste Untersuchungen junger Gasplaneten und brauner Zwerge um T Tauri-Sterne
Krautter, Joachim
NaCo Imaging Survey for Planets around Young Stars (NaCo-ISPY)
Müller, André
Quirrenbach, Andreas
Propagation und Strahlung protostellarer Jets in molekularen Clumps
Camenzind, Max
Untersuchung von mit ROSAT entdeckten "weak-line" T-Tauri-Sternen in den Sternentstehungsgebieten in Taurus-Auriga und Lupus
Krautter, Joachim
Zeitabhängige, radiative MHD-Simulationen zur Modellierung von Pre- und Post-Kollaps eines turbulenten Wolkenkerns mit ambipolarer Diffusion
Camenzind, Max
Research Units
Current projects
Flaring and Time-Dependent Modeling of Blazars
Buson, Ph.D., Sara
Wagner, Stefan
FOR 2544: Blue Planets around Red Stars - Scientific Exploitation of the CARMENES Survey
Reiners, Ansgar
FOR 5195: Relativistic Jets in Active Galaxies
Kadler, Matthias
Completed projects
CARMENES Spectroscopy
Quirrenbach, Andreas
Zechmeister, Mathias
CARMENES Spectroscopy: Reduction, Optimization, and Analysis of Data from the CARMENES Survey
Quirrenbach, Andreas
Reiners, Ansgar
Planetary System Dynamics
Quirrenbach, Andreas
Reffert, Sabine
The M Star Planet Population - Bridging the Gap between Observations and Theory
Henning, Thomas
Klahr, H. Hubertus
Reffert, Sabine
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Unlocking the various evolutionary pathways of sun-like stars
Reindl, Nicole
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Acceleration, propagation, and radiation of relativistic particles in high-redshift radio galaxies
(Project Heads
Kirk, John
Meisenheimer, Klaus Winfried
Wagner, Stefan
Administration of the SFB
(Project Heads
Appenzeller, Immo
Duschl, Wolfgang J.
Tscharnuter, Werner M.
An Astrometric, Photometric, and Spectroscopic Census of Moving Groups and Open Clusters
(Project Heads
Bailer-Jones, Coryn A.L.
Grebel, Eva K.
Henning, Thomas
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
Pasquali, Anna
Permentier, Geneviève
Reffert, Sabine
Chemo-dynamical Mapping of the Milky Way’s Outskirts
(Project Heads
Christlieb, Norbert
Duffau, Sonia
Grebel, Eva K.
Koch-Hansen, Ph.D., Andreas
Rix, Hans-Walter
Definition and Preparation of the 4MOST Galactic Surveys
(Project Heads
Christlieb, Norbert
Grebel, Eva K.
Quirrenbach, Andreas
Jet propagation in dense media at high redshift
(Project Heads
Camenzind, Max
Meisenheimer, Klaus Winfried
Milky Way Satellites as Cosmological Probes
(Project Heads
Christlieb, Norbert
Grebel, Eva K.
Just, Andreas
Macciò, Andrea Valerio
Rix, Hans-Walter
Morphologie und Dynamik junger Spiralgalaxien
(Project Heads
Fuchs, Burkhard
Möllenhoff, Claus
Observational Galactic Chemodynamics
(Project Heads
Bergemann, Maria
Christlieb, Norbert
Grebel, Eva K.
Koch-Hansen, Ph.D., Andreas
Quirrenbach, Andreas
Physical and kinematic properties of young galaxies
(Project Heads
Appenzeller, Immo
Rix, Hans-Walter
Quasar host galaxies in the epoch of reionization
(Project Heads
Wagner, Stefan
Walter, Fabian
Relativistic accretion disks and disk winds
(Project Heads
Camenzind, Max
Duschl, Wolfgang J.
SFB 439: Galaxies in the Young Universe
Duschl, Wolfgang J.
Wagner, Stefan
Stellar Census and Kinematic Structures in the Solar Neighbourhood
(Project Heads
Henning, Thomas
Reffert, Sabine
TeV emission from AGN, the IR background, and the cosmic star formation history
(Project Heads
Aharonian, Felix A.
Wagner, Stefan
The Mass Function of Low-Mass Stars and Substellar Objects
(Project Heads
Bailer-Jones, Coryn A.L.
Henning, Thomas
Reffert, Sabine
The most metal-poor stars of the Galaxy
(Project Heads
Christlieb, Norbert
Ludwig, Hans-Günter
Uncovering the Galactic stellar halo build-up through chemo-dynamics of globular clusters
(Project Heads
Christlieb, Norbert
Grebel, Eva K.
van de Ven, Glenn
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Second Earth Spectrograph - Optical System
Spektrograph für CARMENES
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 129: Heidelberg Graduate School of Fundamental Physics
Klingeler, Rüdiger
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
PUNCH4NFDI - Particles, Universe, NuClei and Hadrons for the NFDI
Schörner, Thomas
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