Institut für Sonnenphysik (KIS)
Georges-Köhler-Allee 401 A
79110 Freiburg
This institution in GERiT
79110 Freiburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Advancing Current Determination in the Chromosphere
Borrero, Juan Manuel
MIRACLE: Magnetic Interactions Releasing Acceleration in Coronal-flaring Loop Environment
Fleishman, Ph.D., Gregory
Unveiling the principles of solar magneto-convection
Bello Gonzalez, Nazaret
Completed projects
Beobachtung der Chromosphäre der Sonne mit hoher räumlicher und zeitlicher Auflösung bei sehr großem Gesichtsfeld
Peter, Hardi
Deciphering the solar small-scale magnetic field
Fischer, Catherine
Die Erzeugung und Dissipation von solaren Magnetfeldern
Schmidt, Wolfgang
Die Natur der "G-Band bright points"
Schmidt, Wolfgang
Dynamische Feinstruktur, Evershed-Effekt und Energietransport in der Penumbra von Sonnenflecken
von der Lühe, Oskar
Dynamos in fully convective stars
Stix, Michael
Fine structure of sunspot umbrae
Schmidt, Wolfgang
Heating and Dynamics of the Solar Chromosphere
Schmidt, Wolfgang
Inhomogeneous magnetic field in penumbra
Schlichenmaier, Rolf
Kopplung globaler Eigenschwingungen durch die Konvektion in der Sonne
Stix, Michael
Magnetohydrodynamics of the solar chromosphere
Steiner, Oskar
Numerical Determination of Dynamo Coefficients for the sun
Stix, Michael
Small-scale magnetic fields in the solar atmosphere
Schmidt, Wolfgang
Three-dimensional Stokes inversion with magnetohydrostationary constraints
Borrero, Juan Manuel
Topology of magnetic and velocity fields in and around sunspots
Schlichenmaier, Rolf
Towards stellar seismology of massive pulsators with the CoRoT and Kepler satellites
Roth, Markus
Using high-precision spectroscopy to scrutinize solar model atmospheres
Schmidt, Wolfgang
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Spot-Forming Stellar Dynamos
Käpylä, Petri
Heisenberg Grants
Completed projects
Stellar Convection, Dynamos, and 3D Evolution
Käpylä, Petri
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Current projects
Open Access 2022-2024
Winter, Simone
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 243: Nonlinear Differential Equations: Modelling, Theory, Numerics, Visualisation
Kröner, Dietmar
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
PUNCH4NFDI - Particles, Universe, NuClei and Hadrons for the NFDI
Schörner, Thomas