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Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Fachbereich Biologie und Chemie
Institut für Botanik
AG Spezielle Botanik
Heinrich-Buff-Ring 38
35392 Gießen
This institution in GERiT
35392 Gießen
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Evolutionäre Entwicklungsgenetik von Karpellen: Eschscholziacalifornica Cham. (Kalifornischer Mohn)als Modellsystem für basale eudikotyle Pflanzen.
Becker, Annette
Research Grants
Current projects
Evolution of Gene Networks: The Ranunculales Order as a Model Lineage for Evolutionary Innovations
Becker, Annette
Goesmann, Alexander
Completed projects
Evolutionary genetics of carpel development using California poppy (Eschscholzia californica) as a new model species
Becker, Annette
Functional and evolutionary significance of the Bsister genes in flowering plants
Becker, Annette
Theißen, Günter
Functional diversification of class1 KNOX genes in basal eudicots
Becker, Annette
Keeping meristems at balance – stem cell maintenance and termination in flowers with two meristem types
Becker, Annette
Phylotranscriptomics of the carpel developmental toolkit - an evo-devo study towards understanding the origin of flowering plants
Becker, Annette
Polyploidy generates beauty: exploration of complex genomes of roses (Rosa L. sect. Caninae (DC.) Ser.)
Ritz, Christiane
Research Units
Current projects
400 million years of faithfulness - how the transcriptional regulators LEUNIG and SEUSS co-evolved to become key factors of reproductive development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Becker, Annette
Coordination Funds
Becker, Annette
FOR 5098: Innovation and Coevolution in Plant Sexual Reproduction - ICIPS
Becker, Annette
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Comparative transcriptome analysis and phenotypic monitoring of Trifolium pratense (Fabaceae) under land use scenarios (TRATSCH II - Trifolium pratense RNA analysis to screen character heterogeneity)
Becker, Annette
Gemeinholzer, Birgit
Wissemann, Volker
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Adaptomics of neofunctionalization: analysis of GORDITA-like genes in Brassicaceae
Becker, Annette
Mummenhoff, Klaus
Theißen, Günter
Radiation, biological diversity and host-parasite interactions in wildroses, rust fungi and insects
Brandl, Roland
Oberwinkler, Franz
Wissemann, Volker
Additional Information
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